When an individual takes up loan, he gets relieved from most of his financial worries. But availing the loan facilities again brings a new trouble to the borrowers and that is related to repayments. The lenders schedule the repayments keeping in mind the convenience of the borrowers, but still it has been seen that the individuals very often fail to repay. As a result of this, the lenders hire debt collectors who try to compel the borrowers to make payments by hook or by crook. Most of the borrowers due to this harassment make suicidal attempts. Keeping these things in mind, the fair debt collection practices have been introduced. These fair debt collection practices mentioned in the act have been formulated to safeguard the interest of the borrowers.

Due to consecutive delay in paying the instalments, the lenders hire debt collection agents who may not try to convince but compel the debtors to make the payments at any cost. When the case is delivered to the collection agencies, make sure you would definitely be harassed by the agents to the maximum possible extent.The fair debt collection practices have been specified in order to pose restrictions to the method of collection adopted by these agencies. The collection agents come to tour dwelling and use abusive words in front of the neighbours, which stains your clean image totally. To enable the borrowers live with honour in the society, the fair debt collection practices have some limitations for the debt collectors.

The common issues with debt collectors that have been frequently observed include the following:

  • They keep on calling you anytime they desire without even thinking once.
  • The debt collectors, as per the fair debt collection practices rules must not ask any third person about your address or any other information.
  • They share your information with third parties without your permission.
  • Embarrassing you in front of your neighbours and colleagues.
  • When the debt collector already knows that you have hired a consumer law attorney and still he tries to contact you.
  • They must be careful of not using obscene or abusive language for the borrowers.
  • Repetitive telephone calls can cause problem for the agents as it is quite annoying for the debtors.
  • False statements should be avoided, such as threatening the borrowers of some illegal actions to be taken against them.
  • Telling a lie to the debtors about their identity, such as introducing themselves s government representative, etc.
  • Depositing a post-dated cheque earlier.
  • The above-mentioned points need to be kept in mind by the debt collectors as even a minute mistake can turn out to be a big blunder for them. Violating the specifications made in the fair debt collection practices act can really lead to severe implications. Until the court permits or the borrowers themselves agree to the performance of the acts already mentioned above, the collection agents have no right to harass or annoy or embarrass the debtors in any way. In case they do so, the consumer law attorney will make sure they get acute punishments and don’t repeat the same thing again.

    Author's Bio: 

    Austin Aims has a good knowledge on fair debt collection practices and consumer law attorney.For more information please visit http://www.consumerlawfirmcenter.com/