In this article I am going to share with you some of the lesser-known benefits to some of our nations favourite foods.

Red Wine

A glass or two of red wine a week is not going to sabotage your fat loss goals. In fact it is possible that a few red wines will actually help with fat loss. Anti-oxidants in red wine called polyphenols may help your heart, one particular polyphenol called resveratrol has been shown to decrease bad cholesterol, prevent blood clots and help protect you from both diabetes and heart disease.

Dark chocolate

Eating a small amount of dark chocolate may actually be good for you. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids which are compounds that act as anti-oxidants. These flavonoids protect your body from free radical damage. It is these free radicals that cause cell damage and can ultimately lead to heart disease. Flavonoids have been shown to lower blood pressure and decrease bad cholesterol.


Is coffee good for you? It seems like everyone wants to disagree on this one. There are no conclusive studies to prove that coffee is good for you but there are many studies out there to suggest there are some great benefits to coffee. Several studies show that chlorgoenic acid found in coffee can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Coffee has also been shown to increase your insulin sensitivity once again lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. It doesn’t stop there though, one study at Harvard medical school suggested that regular coffee drinkers were 50% less likely to suffer from breast, colon and prostate cancer due to the high levels of anti-oxidants in coffee. Other studies have shown that coffee improves brain function, prevents liver cirrhosis and aids with weight loss.


First off let me point out that not all cheese is made the same way. There is a big difference between aged Gouda and stringy cheese. With that said I am going to take you through what I believe to be the most superior type of cheese – Raw Grass Fed cheese. Raw grass fed cheese contains large amounts of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Animal studies have shown that as little as 0.5% CLA in your diet may reduce cancerous tumours by 50%. CLA has been shown to have a dramatic effect on insulin too. CLA actions copy the effect of synthetic diabetes drugs, with early stages of testing on humans showing to have a positive effect on diabetes, lowering of body fat levels and increasing lean muscle tissue and it may even increase your metabolic rate.

Finally in the words of Oscar G Hernandez ‘the only real difference between medicine and poison is the dose’. I personally believe that too much wine, chocolate, coffee or cheese will have negative effects on your body but a little bit here and there might just be good for you

Author's Bio: 

Results Personal Training based in Hampstead, North London, are specialist in Fat Loss, using a holistic approach to diet and exercise. Results have helped thousands of individuals gain health, confidence and a body of their dreams.

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