Trying to figure out the right words to string together with a woman is one of those things that a lot of men tend to struggle with. We all know there have been times when it seems like we can put our foot in our mouths when we are talking to a woman and to really be able to get past this stage and into a more comfortable feeling of being able to flirt, talk, and create attraction with a woman, you have to know the right things to say to her.

After all, if you get caught saying the WRONG things to a woman, you are not going to get the kind of warm reception that you crave from her. And if you don't say the right things to a woman, it's easy to get cast aside as nothing more than a "friend" which is code word for a guy she will NEVER go to bed with.

What are the right things to say to a woman and how should you say them?

Here are some female attraction tips that should help you better understand what to say to a woman

1. You don't want to get caught discussing the weather.

Why not? Because it is dreadfully boring. It's boring to you, it's boring to her, and it's boring to anyone that might happen to overhear your conversation. You have to be able to get way past the boring conversations that you would have with just about anyone and get into something a little more fun and a little more spirited.

2. You don't want to get hung up discussing politics with a woman.

Not only can this lead to yet another dry conversation, it can also flare up something that you don't want to. Stay away from the politics and the religion and move on to the things that you know are going to make her laugh and make her smile. You don't need to find out her thoughts on these kinds of subjects in the beginning.

3. You should learn how to make the conversation include HER.

This is really important. If you want to get things going with her, and you want to make sure that she wants to be with you, then you have to learn how to make the conversation include her. It does not have to revolve around her, but it has to really grab at her interests and keep her involved.

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