Feng Shui Means Business
As a business develops a more global outlook, it has the oppoturnity to study how companies in other cultures succeed, and can embrace those ideas which can work for its particular industry. The Western business community, in search of ideas to improve its own fortunes, has been able to probe the secrets of Asian companies through its branches in the Far East.One of the key tools indentified has been the widespread use of Feng Shui. In the Far East, Feng Shui consultants are regularly called in at the conception of a new business to promote its chance of success, and to existing businesses that are experiencing difficulties, to dianose problems and propose solutions.
Increasingly, as businesses realise the benefits of Feng Shui, it is becoming an accepted part of Western business practice.It is applicable to any activity based in a building, and has been used by a huge range of businesses from self-employed home-based workers and smallcompanies to major multinational corporations. The principles of Feng Shui explain the interaction of people with their environment. Like the laws of physics, they govern every aspect of human life from the surfaces and seemingly trivial features ofour living spaces to our innermost aims and motivations and, ultimately, our physical and mental well-being. Feng Shui is founded on the same concepts as Oriental medicine, astrology and phylosophy and together these deciplines amount to a unified way of looking at the world. The basic idea is that currents of energy travelling through the universe and linked to both space and time help to determine the context in which we live our lives. The influences can be helpful or antagonistic to our aims and aspirations.
The particular focus of Feng Shui is the influence of physical spaces, of living and working environments. It aims to elucidate the effect of these spaces on our lives and activities, and to use that knowledge to create environments that are favourable rather than unfavourable. In doing so, it maximizes the potential for success at work and at home.
History of Feng Shui
Feng Shui translates literally as "wind-water", which refers to the ways energy, or chi, flows through the universe. It was developed in China thousands of years ago and also continues to flourish in surrounding countries such as Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. It has become an important tool in securing success and good fortune in business and commercial enterprises generally. There are several schools of Feng Shui, which is not surprising given its long story. All share the same theoritical framework based on the concepts of yin and yang and the Five Elements, but differ in their practical approach. I use Compass Method as taught by Japanese Feng Shui masters. This is based on the idea that the eight directions of the compass each experince a differnet typeof chi energy. This helps you to understand the pattern of energies inyour workplace, and how best to take advantage of them. It is closely linked with Nine Ki astrology, which helps you determine favourable times to make changes.
Steven Eng writes topics regarding Feng Shui and astrology. For more Feng Shui information, please visit http://www.TheWorldofFengShui.com.
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