What to do after a flood?

When you have to do a flood water damage restoration, your health and safety have to be your concern. Depending on the source of the water, bacteria, and disease from raw sewage and other pollutants can enter your home. Flooding can also affect electrical and gas systems in your home, creating the possibility of fire hazards and electrical shock. Additionally, leftover moisture and water even after cleanup can lead to mold and mildew, triggering problems for people in your home with asthma or other health conditions.

CPR24 Restoration has some recommends how to make flood water damage restoration and to minimize the risk:

Shut off Electricity

If your home is beginning to flood, one of the first things you should do to protect yourself and your family is shutting off all the electricity to the areas that could be flooded. Even if the floodwaters have not reached the outlets, the risk of someone getting electrocuted when working in the area is still high.

While you are turning off the electrical breakers or unscrewing the fuses, don’t stand in water. Use a dry piece of wood or a plastic or rubber pole to turn the switches off, and be sure to stand on something plastic or wooden that does not conduct electricity.

Flood Water damage Restoration - Inspect Your Sump Pump

Regularly checking your sump pump can help you prevent flooding in your home. Clean the pump and pit, and test it by pouring water into it. Remember that you should not run sump pump water into a rural septic system, because the water can saturate the drain field. If you live in a city, running this water into the sanitary systems can overload it, causing a sewage backup.

Prevent Sewer Backup

Sewer backups usually occur when stormwater enters the sanitary sewer, causing the system to overload. This overload causes backflow into the house, usually through the basement. To prevent this from happening in your home, be sure to plug or cap all sewer openings in the basement: floor drains, sinks, showers, toilets, etc.

Plan and Practice an Evacuation Scenario

Floods can be unpredictable and can occur at any time of the year, which is why it is important to practice an evacuation scenario with your family. Keep your valuables close by so they can be grabbed when you and your loved ones need to leave your home. Contact your local emergency government office to find out what the safest routes are in order to find shelter during a flood. You can also make a plan with some of your family or friends to spend a few days there until your house is cleaned.

Flood Water Damage Restoration - Call CPR24 Restoration for Immediate Help

The steps you take after a flood in your home are essential to protecting your property and keeping your family safe from hazards. Your instinct may be to grab a bucket and carry the water out of your home, but the safest way to deal with it is to contact the professionals. We will be able to determine the source of the water and whether it is dangerous or not. We will also have the right equipment to unplug electronics, shut off electricity, remove hazards, and clean up your basement or flooded area. Don't lose the time to call us at +1 416-551-8287!

Author's Bio: 

Blerina Laska