In his beautifully written article, “There is No Greater Truth Than Love”, Scott Stabile recommends that we focus on Love.

I completely agree.

We have this amazing power within us to choose what we do with our energy. Energy comes in the form of thoughts and feelings.

We can decide to pay attention to what we are thinking about and how it makes us feel. Decide to focus on Love.

Commit to Mindfulness

We can commit to practicing awareness and creating habits that promote Loving, peaceful and joyful thoughts and feelings.

When you stay present in each moment, you can recognize thoughts as they arise. Even if you can’t keep up with all your thoughts, you can check in frequently with how you’re feeling.

As you notice stronger emotions during the day, look at the thought that brought it about.

Is this thought positive? Does it come from Love?

If yes, give it a green light in your mind. Let it grow inside you and blossom in the world through your words and actions.

Create a Habit

If, however, the thought comes from fear, judgment, anger or anything other than Love, it is a waste of your most precious energy and time.

Visualize a red light with the word LOVE in the center.
This will stop this negative thinking right there. It will also prompt you to replace it with a more Loving idea.

If nothing else comes to mind, you can simply say, “I Love you” several times in your mind. This will re-focus your attention on what you really want. Love and happiness.

Design Your Future

By making it a priority to focus on Love, you will naturally begin to attract more Love to you.

You will notice that you want to spend more time on peaceful, relaxing activities. Turn off the television. Get outside.

Make plans with people who make you really happy. Meet new friends that focus on Love too.

Imagine more and more of us doing this. We can do more than just improve our own lives. With a focus on Love, we can create a more Loving world for everyone.

We can send a message to mass media that we want to focus on Love and all the wonderful, beautiful things going on.

We can feel empowered to dream of our ideal future. A peaceful, Loving world is possible. In fact, I believe it is achievable in our lifetime.

Focus on Love.

“Really, think about it. What heals more than love? What unites people, in a way that supports everyone’s happiness and well-being, more than love? Nothing. It’s time to recognize love as the most powerful force we humans have to change this world’s reality. It’s time to stand united behind love, to speak about it and write about it and share it in every way we can.”
~Scott Stabile - “There is No Greater Truth Than Love”

Author's Bio: 

Meet Mary Anne... She's always Loved Love.
She's a practicing student of Love and has taught the subject in her books and on her blog, "The Love Post" since 2014.

Now that she's a wife and mother of two beautiful little ladies, she's more determined than ever to teach others how to use Love to transform their lives and have a positive impact in the world we all share.

Mary Anne offers her knowledge and wisdom in a practical, easy to understand way so that you can start improving your life immediately, with Love as your guide.

You can read more of Mary Anne's writing at