Have you ever had a moment that you needed to be forgiven?
I have had many along the way.

There is something healing within that process, when it is genuinely given or received. Forgiveness is not forgiveness if we seek it or gives it from a negative place, or to show we are better than, or to be socially/politically correct.

Regardless if you are the giver or receiver of forgiveness, if you are still mad, pissed off, or have negative feeling toward the other person; you most likely did not have a real encounter with forgiveness in that particular moment. Resentment, hatred, distain, and judgmental are some of the things that don’t walk hand in hand with forgiveness.

Real forgiveness is a result of freedom of choice; “I choose to forgive." "I choose to accept forgiveness." It comes from an unselfish place that liberates us from the unseen weights no one sees or feels but us. Forgiving and being forgiven does not always have a reason we can put our finger, on or articulate. But when it is genuinely experienced the impact is always the same, "liberating"

So, if you want to begin experiencing the power of forgiveness, start with forgiving yourself. Then forgive others, even if they have not sought forgiveness from you. Believe it or not, today is a great day to step into a place of freedom by way of forgiving.

Peace be unto you and those you love!
Janice Brooks CPC
Web Site: btservices.webs.com

Author's Bio: 

Janice Brooks is a Certified Professional Coach with over fifteen years of experience working with youth and adults. She has a BA from Antioch University with a concentration in Education. Janice firmly believes and understands that there are times in all of our lives that we need someone to walk with us without judging us. We need someone who will respectfully ask us the hard questions; and allow us to be accountable for: who we are, the choices we make, and the level of success we experience. She know that it is always a trust that is humbling when someone allows you to provide this type of support through coaching as they travel along their journeys in life.