Experienced salespeople are used to being kept waiting in the customer’s lobby or having appointments canceled the morning of the meeting, they have learned “it goes with the territory.” The first time a neophyte salesperson is on the receiving end of common discourtesies accorded to his profession, he is shocked, hurt, annoyed and dismayed . . . all at once.

Sales training never prepared him for the lack of respect for a salesman’s profession and his time from a purchasing agent or other people to whom he pitches his wares. Salespeople have to deal with enough negatives in their daily routine without having a lack of respect, too.

…The wheels of commerce grind to a halt without salespeople, so why all the disrespect? … I think not, but it may be because of the perception that salesmen don’t have to work hard for their living.

For every hour in front of customers, a salesperson spends many hours preparing for and traveling to the meeting. He has spent years learning his craft and the product knowledge that makes a customer feel comfortable with any buying decision they make.

…Salespeople learn to deal with rejection; on the average, only one in seven customers buy their product; so it is adding insult to injury to not respect their time and talents in bringing necessary goods to the marketplace.

Don’t Assume A Fit – Everyone a salesperson pitches is not necessarily a good fit for the product offering.

You Don’t Have All The Answers – It’s okay to have to check some facts. Needing to have all the answers may be a control trip and this is contrary to the salesman-prospect relationship where a little humility goes a long way.

Don’t Attempt To Overcome Objections – Upon hearing an objection, diffuse it with questions, then reengage the conversation, from the customer’s prospective.

Negate Sales Pressure – Be natural and don’t be pushy and create sales pressure on the client.

The Prospect Is Your Friend – Prospects will sense if your commissions are the only thing you have in mind when presenting your product.

…• Be Direct – Acknowledge when a sales-game arises like the don’t-return-calls game played by prospects trying to avoid a decision. Remind them then you want a good relationship with them and you are willing to play by their rules, but no cat-and-mouse sales games, please.

…The salesperson should focus on how they are selling, more than what they are selling. Since there is a lot of perceived duplication and a lot of competition, your approach and how you handle your time with the customer is the only way you may be able to differentiate yourself, your product and your company.

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Marco Giunta Business Owners: i will share my successful methods: Best Way to Get New Clients or Business Issues Resolved, Even If You Hate Selling.Join me for a 100% FREE Meeting