Pregnancy is a very crucial stage in the life of a woman. A lot of expectations get attached to this stage of life. As such it is very important for women to know what changes take place in the foetus with every passing week. It also becomes important for the mothers to know what changes their body undergoes. Today getting such useful information is not difficult. There are various ways in which mothers can get information about the changes in the foetus.

Emma’s diary is a great option available to mothers which can inform them about the pregnancy weeks. Every week of pregnancy brings changes in both mothers and the baby. Emma’s diary provides a platform for mothers to get such relevant information. For example, if the mother wishes to know the changes when she is 22 weeks pregnant, she may do so very easily by logging into Emma’s diary.

When the woman is 22 weeks pregnant, the baby is about 28 centimetres long (11 inches from crown to heel). The weight of the baby would be about 450 grams. The facial features become distinct and the lips of the baby are fully formed. The incisor or canine tooth buds appear below the gums. This happens in preparation for emerging as the milk teeth after a few months of birth. The various organ systems in the body become functional and there is a steady development of the pancreas.

The eyes of the baby have formed but there is no pigmentation in the irises. There is a distribution of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body by the blood from the umbilical cord. The mother may develop stretch marks on the abdomen. It is always advised to keep the skin well moisturised during pregnancy. When the mother is 24 weeks pregnant, the baby gains around 90 grams in a week. It weighs about 600 grams in this week of pregnancy. It measures about 12 inches long.

The baby’s brain grows at a very fast rate. The baby’s skin becomes less translucent because pigments start to deposit with them. The lungs form the branches of the respiratory system. Even the surfactant cells are formed which produces a substance to help the inflation of the air sacs after birth. The mothers also need to go through a glucose test for identifying the risks of gestational diabetes. This test would keep the sugar levels in the blood under a check. If it is not treated there may be complications at the time of birth and even after that.

Emma’s diary is a great option for mothers to get all the useful information about foetal development. Such information is extremely important to identify any problems and complications with both the mother and the baby.


Author's Bio: 

Adams Hall is an experienced journalist and the editor on Women Health topics, but he is a specialist in Pregnancy information write-ups. Adams writes on various matters such as pregnancy weeks related topics such as 22 weeks pregnant, 23 weeks pregnant, 24 weeks pregnant and etc. He has been appreciated for his quality work by many reputed health magazines.