
I have recently, Nov 15-08 to be exact, had enlightenment bestowed on me. It was an explosive experience, I felt timelessness, shapelessness, my DNA activate, pure love, peace and joy - An incredible experience that brought me to my knees in tears. I truly had no idea of what it's all about.

This experience was not premeditated, that is - I was not working towards enlightenment - in fact, I was unaware that any such thing existed. I have changed my life almost entirely, but I feel more lost now than ever.

I feel like I can't find my path I can't change my perspective to not just 'survive' but to 'live'.

Deep in my soul / heart I know I am on the wrong path - I also know that I'm looking for the right path with a narrow mind..

Any suggestions on how to broaden my horizons and see the messages being offered from the universe as to the path that will truly make me live / fulfill my purpose?


No doubt you had a powerful spiritual shift last November, but given your confusion and feeling lost, it’s probably not accurate to call it enlightenment. Enlightenment is characterized by the timelessness, love, joy and peace you described, but it brings a permanent state of fulfillment and Self-realization. In that state of consciousness there is no question about being on the right path, you are the path.

These types of awe-inspiring spiritual experiences occur occasionally as a way to revealing to us what our inner potential really is. That glimpse of our divinity is then a beacon of light to guide us forward and remind us of our true nature as we continue our journey.

What sometimes happens though after an experience like this where the heavens open up and then close again, is that we try to get that experience back again, even though we didn’t try to make it happen in the first place. Part of our mind may believe that we have done something wrong to make it go away, and that if we can make that right again, we will be blessed once again.

Rather than interpret your current limitations in your mind as being on the wrong path, why not look at the recognition that you want to expand your mind as an indication that you are moving in the right direction? If you are not already meditating, I would encourage you to begin a formal practice. This will give you daily access to your true Self and will expand your consciousness until you will permanently live that glorious state of life you glimpsed last year.


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