The human race as walked a precarious line ever since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Ever since trains needed steam to run, humans have be perennially searching for a better and more efficient means of energy generation. Scientists have been struggling with this dilemma for many years. However, in the last fifty or so years, after the destructive attributes of nuclear power have come to light, there has been a growing movement to “go green”. This means searching for better ways to live that are not in direct contradiction to the needs of the environment to remain self sufficient. In service of this lofty goal, many green energy advocates have put a number of programs to clean up the planet, to repair damage done by previous generations, and to allow the current generation to live in a manner that will leave the earth better then they found it. This will allow future generations the ability to live and prosper on Earth. But based on current projections, this can only be attained through hard work and only if the majority of this planet’s inhabitants get on board.

In order to achieve this goal, many clean energy advocates have dabbled in the somewhat unique and specialized field of green energy PR. To this end, they have sought the advice of many forward thinking public relations experts to help them achieve their green energy PR goals. These helpful specialists are proved invaluable to many green energy advocates who have the desire to help the planet, but lack the years of public relations experience necessary to effect change in the way people use energy.

Therefore, many environmental advocates who have taken up the mantle of green energy PR have started to use social media to advance their cause. Green energy PR advocates often have an easier time in spreading their message online as opposed to their corporate energy counterparts because people are more willing to spend time and effort in reading about a cause that is important to them. In many cases, individuals who have a passion for green energy will help green energy PR advocates in spreading their message. They will not however, want to spread the spin that many large, multi- national energy corporations will try to pass off as a self sufficient and self sustaining movement on social media websites. People are pretty smart, and they know bs when they see it. This is why green energy PR advocates have an easier time on the web.

But in addition to the use of social media, green energy PR advocates will often court the attention of the mainstream media. This is done to legitimize themselves in the public eye, where perception often accounts for a large percentage of the success or failure of a particular green energy PR initiative. If a particular green energy PR initiative is seen in a positive light, then it will be much more likely to work out in the long run. IT is much more difficult for green energy PR initiatives to get off the ground if they are seen as too hostile or holier than thou. The only way for a green energy PR initiative to work is if the message is displayed in concise and efficient manner. The tone of a green energy PR initiative is also important because if a particular message comes across as preachy, then it won’t be successful it will only be seen as preaching to the converted.

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Author's Bio: 

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York, green energy pr and Health Public Relations visit