Sounds impossible right? The most daunting task of internet marketers probably is how to get targeted website traffic. Without traffic, your online business can and will go down. Sure, you have excellent products to offer but if nobody cares to visit your website then you can never sell anything. As I’ve mentioned in my previous articles, it is one of the most precious internet marketer’s commodity.

They can’t simply live with out it. For newbies and aspiring internet marketers, here are some tips that can help you in traffic generation, guaranteed in just one week and it’s for free. The easiest and my most favorite traffic generation technique is article marketing. Write content rich articles and submit it to article directories and once it goes live, traffic is on its way to your website.

Good quality and content rich articles always find its way around and the results can be viral. The second option would be forum marketing. Create a signature file in your posts that will link readers directly to your website. Never spam the forums you will be joining and be particular with the quality of your posts.

Establish rapport and build relationships once you get in. If people find your posts interesting, they will take time and see what your website is all about. Now, if you have expertise in certain topics, you can offer your blogs to website owners signing in as a guest blogger. Blog owners are sometimes more than happy to help you out by posting your articles in their website, giving you the exposure you need.

In your resource box, include a direct link to your website and a few details about yourself. You can also offer testimonials to product owners related to your internet niche market. Make your testimonials realistic and believable by testing the products yourself. If they like your testimonials, they will include it in their newsletters along with your website.

This is also another form of website promotion and advertisement. Another thing you can also consider in traffic generation if you have the financial capacity is to offer paid product bonus. You can offer your paid product to a product owner that complements your own as exclusive bonus. You know how people respond to freebies and giveaways so why not use this technique.

Lastly you might want to consider ezine advertising. This probably is the oldest form of online advertising but a tested and proven traffic generation technique. Contact website owners giving out newsletters and ask if they accept advertising. Just make sure these websites are also directly related to your own products.

If you do the things I’ve suggested right, I can guarantee you positive results in a week or so. Just be patient and monitor your website closely to come up with the trend in your niche. Traffic generation need not be costly. Just tap every resource you have to get maximum results.

Author's Bio: 

Menno Spijkstra is a successful underground Internet Marketer who has been online for many years, selling his own products in many niches. Menno now decided to share his knowledge and experience through this site,