Running a home office can be very trying no matter whether you are using it to keep track of the family's finances or running a small business there. If you don't keep track of your papers and other items in a manner that makes sense, you will never be able to find things when you need them. Bills may not get paid on time, incurring late charges and other penalties simply because they were buried under other items. There are a number of systems that you can use to make your home office that much more efficient but there are a number of drawbacks to consider with them.

Systems that Require Scanners or Labelers

Some document management systems require that all your paper files be scanned and then formatted to a disk drive for "filing." There are often many things that cannot be scanned and there are issues with the scanner itself. If you don't have a scanner, this type filing system would suggest that you buy one. And this document management system may not be ideal because once you have scanned everything and put it on the computer, what if that system crashes or you are not near your computer for that moment?

With a scanning document management system, labeling everything does not always work either, especially since it does nothing to get everything organized. Sure, you know that those are all the home bills sitting there in the nicely labeled file folder, but they get moved from place to place because they have no real designated spot and they end up buried once again.

A Hybrid, Better Solution

There is a filing system for offices with a hybrid of traditional filing and computer search ingenuity that has the ability to help you streamline your filing system and find your items without having to run out and buy expensive equipment. You don't scan your items so you can use the same filing system software to organize books and other items that you would not be able to scan. Your files are set up in index numbered, hanging files with labels that you print from the software. These file numbers never change, but the information that is stored in them can. After everything is where it needs to be, and item names and keywords relating to the items being indexed entered into the software's database, the information is converted to searchable files. All you need to do is access a computer and conduct a google-like search to find exactly what you are looking for in seconds.

Your home office is now organized like a miniature databank, like your own personal version of the World Wide Web. All of your paper files are right there to be accessed by a quick search. The filing software will generate a search result, showing you exactly which hanging file folder the requested information is in and where to access it. There is no searching through several different files to find an item because of differing thought processes of filing from day to day.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Baker of The Monticello Corporation is an in-house writer, office manager, keeper of the blog and all other social media outlets. She spends her days interfacing and pleasing customers, while arduously following market trends and then reporting her knowledge to all friends and followers of The Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software. She would love to hear from you!

The Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system that will totally revolutionize the relationship you have with your filing cabinet. Customers of the software will actually look forward to filing and file folders will become your trusted friend. The filing system works just like a search engine for your paper files!