Chest congestion could be due to many reasons including expose to cold atmosphere and respiratory infection. Ginger is one of the effective home remedies for chest congesting. You can simply make a juice out of a small ginger piece pilled and have it on empty stomach. If it is too spicy for you, you can add equal quantity of water.

Like ginger, honey is also natural chest decongestant . You can have one tablespoon of honey for a few days to clear the chest infection. It also helps in cough and cold apart from being one of the simple yet effective remedies for chest congestion.

The holy basil or tulasi is one of the most effective home remedies for chest congestion. You can take 3-4 teaspoon of holy basil leaves juice as natural or kitchen remedy for chest congestion. Holy basil contains natural volatile substances that carry anti germ properties responsible for curing respiratory tract infection.

Certain Ayurvedic herbs such as haritaki, shunthi, pippali, tulasi, bhringraja, yashtimadhu, lavang etc. are considered to be natural anti contestants and hence can be used as one of the reliable home remedies for chest congestion.

Ayurvedic formulas such as sitopaladi churna, talisadi churna, kanakasava, chyavanprahs, amalaki churna etc. can be kept in the home as daily health supplements for better respiratory health. You can use them as one of the simple yet effective remedies for chest congestion .

Pranayama helps in alleviating the symptoms of chest congestion and hence is holistic home remedies for chest congestion .

Chest pain should not be ignored by any means. Even mild to moderate chest pain may result in catastrophic damage and hence, any home remedies for chest pain should not be considered as first line treatment. Instead, chest pain homemade remedies are just first aid and the patient is to be taken to the clinician or hospital for better treatment.

Garlic contains good medicinal properties. It helps in alleviating the chest pain and hence considered to be as one of the effective home remedies for chest pain . Boil 4-5 cloves of the garlic in a glassful of cow's milk. Consume this daily to have good heart health.

Dates may help in treating or lessening the chest pain. Grind the dates (along with seeds) and eat them daily to have healthy heart keeping chest pain at bay. Dates are one of the simple yet effective remedies for chest pain.

Pain in the chest can be tackled using tulasi juice. Tulasi juice, honey and few drops of lemon on daily basis may boost the health of the heart and hence is used as one of the reliable home remedies for chest pain.

Ayurvedic herbs such as arjuna, daadima, tulasi and amalaki contain natural substances that are good for health of the heart. You can find product containing one, two or more ingredients mentioned above as one of the simple yet effective remedies for chest pain.

Pranayama, yoga and meditation are proved to have beneficial effects on the heart and hence are holistic home remedies for chest problems. Learn effective techniques of yoga and pranayama to get rid of chest ailments.

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Read more about the home remedies for various types of deseases here hsooremp and Hommedies for Chengestion and Cheain homedies.