If you have just created a Facebook likes fan page, your next concern is most likely how you like Facebook for it. The truth is that there are a number of techniques out there that you can use at any time with proof of long tradition and error. But if you want fast results, you should focus on these proven techniques to increase like Facebook likes.

Build on existing networks

It makes more sense to spend its initial efforts to get more Facebook likes the people and interact with it. Ask family, friends, colleagues, employees and contacts online at Facebook and other social networks as their Facebook page. Although it may be tempting, do not jump to Facebook likes asking them to suggest function, such as your page. It is wiser to stagger his campaign to give priority to the people closest to you or who are already familiar with your Facebook fan page and the business, service, product or brand you are promoting. You can then proceed further in their social circle until you are satisfied with the taste you are getting.


• Include your Facebook page with vanity URL in your email signature

• Chat with your online contacts on the taste of the page

• Publish as buttons and a box of Facebook Like your website or blog

• Ask friends and family to promote their Facebook fan page, if you can

Connect their offline activities

This is an often overlooked method for getting like Facebook, but the connection of their offline activities and marketing efforts to your Facebook, as the campaign can be a very effective strategy. In fact, it is much better to do this as a favor to a person who, for example, send an application or email. Discuss your Facebook fan page and its benefits for people you know whenever possible. Include your URL on your vanity marketing and promotional materials.


• Include the URL of the Facebook page, such as business cards, brochures and advertisements

• If you have a brick and mortar store, put ads on your page in important areas

• Discuss the fan page on Facebook at networking events to attend

• Find other owners like Facebook pages related industries to exchange links

Run an ad in Facebook

This will cost some money, but if you're serious about your Facebook page and campaign and implement the ad carefully, you will see handsome returns. The idea here is for internal use Facebook advertising platform to reach your target demographic and markets that could not find anything. It's actually quite easy, as Facebook ad wizard can help you gradually reduce your exposure to unwanted advertisements to your population, ie people who have tried similar pages, live in the same location, within its target age group , etc.


• Budget Limited? Post ads only in selected parts of the year when you need more exposure

• Align the announcement of Facebook with a promotion existing limited supply or key to development

• Run themed ad for special occasions and holidays

Post exclusive content, special offers

Have you ever heard of a release form? This is a custom tab page that serves as a landing Facebook default or welcome page for non-fans. In it, you can welcome the fans not the information page and a call to action to click as. But that certainly will get more like it, if we try to offer unique content or premium to the taste of your page, like a discount, a free report, a large video or some other incentive. It is used in many pages, and is one of the most effective ways to get more like it.


• Decide on what can be offered exclusively to provide their likers

• Rent a designer or better yet, get a software to help you personalize your Facebook page

Do not forget to check their success rates

Author's Bio: 

Author is a proficient Internet Marketer with huge knowledge in Buy Facebook Fans and offers some of the best Buy Facebook Likes at the best prices out today.Is now taking new SEO clients for their SEO plan.