If you're wondering "How do I treat bacterial vaginosis?", it's a bit complicated. There are a few things that you should definitely know before you try any sort of treatment method. For example, you should know what BV is and what causes it to occur.

A Bacterial Imbalance:

Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial imbalance. Your vagina should already have plenty of good and healthy bacteria in it. They help to control pH levels, keep bad bacteria out and, in general, maintain vaginal health. When the bad bacteria do get through the defenses, however, it can create bacterial vaginosis.

Clearly, the best thing to do in such a case is remove the harmful bacteria. However, that isn't always easy because you have to try not to remove the beneficial bacteria. The fact that most people can't figure out how to remove the bad bacteria while keeping the good kind is what often keeps BV coming back.

The Medical Options:

There are medical options for treating BV. One is a topical cream or ointment that you can apply to the outside of your vagina. It can relieve itching and inflamed skin. It may also help to reduce burning sensations that you may be experiencing. However, a topical cream won't address the internal causes of the bacterial vaginosis.

As far as treating the BV at the source, the medical community usually relies upon oral antibiotics. The antibiotics kill off the bacteria, which gets rid of the BV and all of the awful symptoms that come along with it. The problem is that relief is usually only for a short time.

Antibiotic Treatment Problems:

You see, there are several problems with antibiotic treatments. Some of them include:

  • The human body can adjust to them, making them less effective.
  • Human beings sometimes stop taking them too early, allowing BV to return.
  • The antibiotics kill both the good and bad bacteria, leaving the vaginal region open to the possibility of a new BV infection or another medical problem.
  • Antibiotics can cause a lot of harsh side effects, which can be difficult to deal with, especially along with the already annoying and uncomfortable symptoms of BV.

The Solution To That Problem:

The solution to that problem may be to try treating your BV through natural means instead of antibiotics. After all, most of the things that medications can do can also be done by simply finding the right mix of herbs, vitamins, minerals and healthy habits. When comes down to Bacterial Vaginosis Relief here are a few simple and natural things that you can do to relieve BV.

  • Increase Your Folic Acid Intake
  • Try Using White Willow Bark As An Anti Inflammatory Agent
  • Keep the Area Clean
  • Use Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an anti inflammatory vitamin. So, you can either get more of it in your diet or take a vitamin E supplement to reduce your BV pain, cramping and discomfort. You could also apply a topical vitamin E cream to the affected area. That can help to relieve the itching and burning without killing any healthy bacteria.

So, the next time you feel like asking "How do I treat bacterial vaginosis?", don't reach right for the antibiotics. Instead, think about changing a few of your habits and using natural BV treatments. They can cure the problem without adding to it or leaving you open to BV relapses.

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To Discover more tips and interesting information about Bacterial Vaginosis click here BV Treatment At Home

Learn more about BV click here What Cures Bacterial Vaginosis