Airport taxi services are an essential service as it allows important workers to get to and from the workplaces and allow other persons to access important services such as pharmacies, health providers, and supermarkets. The role of airport taxi services includes drivers who are limited to their ability to maintain proper hygiene, which is very important to minimize the risk of exposure to coronavirus. They maintain proper physical distancing from the customers, minimizing the risks of both them and their customers being exposed to Covid-19. The drivers of airport taxis near Keysborough do everything to minimize the risks of getting affected by the virus. Also, the drivers apply control measures to maintain proper hygiene and ensure other safety measures to resolve well-known health and safety risks. In this pandemic, they are suffering the most as they are not getting any passengers due to the lockdown of transportations. They must focus on maximum safety and be aware of the health concerns to tackle the pandemic successfully. Here’s how drivers of airport taxi services maintain hygiene.

Environmental Cleaning

Environmental cleaning is a way to maintain proper hygiene. Transportation of passengers entails the touching of surfaces and objects on vehicles on a regular basis. So, as a result, you must increase the need for the usual cleaning of the vehicle. The drivers must:

  • Use hand sanitiser for their own use and urge passengers to use it after opening and closing the vehicle door, exchanging payment, moving luggage, and after personal contact
  • Clean surfaces using proper disinfectant wipes to clean droplets of coughing, sneezing, or vomiting
  • Set the AC to external airflow, or open windows where appropriate 
  • In some cases, the taxi drivers also install plexiglass partitions between the passenger and driver seats
  • They clean their clothes after each shift and make sure to wash off their hands after they handle laundry that is very dirty.

Information for Passengers

The drivers of airport taxis in Keysborough must display signage and guide the passengers to reduce the risk of infection. Also, the passengers must practice good hygiene before, during, and after travelling on a taxi ride. They must follow important steps:

  • They must cover sneezes and coughs with a tissue or an elbow
  • They must dispose of tissues in the right way 
  • Wash hands frequently using water and soap for at least 20 seconds, including after visiting the washroom and after and before eating 
  • Washing hair, body, and clothes regularly 
  • Using hand sanitisers that include at least 60% alcohol 
  • Staying home if sick.

The airport taxi services are a vital transportation option. During the pandemic, the drivers use cloth face coverings when they find it difficult to maintain social distancing measures. Moreover, they wear gloves when transferring money in hand. The airport taxi drivers disinfect their taxis regularly to prevent the transfer of germs or viruses.

Hope, you have understood how drivers of airport taxi services maintain hygiene. If you like the content of this article, don’t forget to share it with your friends, and give thumbs up!

Author's Bio: 

The author is an owner of a company that provides quality transportation services through airport taxis near Keysborough and is an avid blogger.