We are all surrounded by clutter. Everywhere we look, everywhere in our life, there is too much.
There is too much to do.

There is too much to buy.

There is too much to worry about.

There are too many obligations.

There is too much stress.

And the heart of the "too much" often lies in our homes. We have dishes we never use, clothing we never wear, food we never eat, hobbies we never engage in. Our society is always pushing us toward more.

We need MORE:
We need the latest and greatest electronic gadgets.

We need clothing that is in style.

We need to update our kitchen and bathroom every few years.

Our children need every toy imaginable, so that they will keep up in the rat race.

But do we ever stop and consider the toll that this blind collecting is taking on us? Purchasing all of these items leads to debt and money stress. Worrying about buying the right items in order to fit in is hugely stressful. Having a house that is always cluttered is overwhelming. Purchasing storage containers and even a storage unit further strains the budget. Then we work extra hours so that we can afford all this spending, the larger house, and the storage fees. Being away from our family is anything but good for our mental health.

What if I were to tell you that there is another way? That there is an alternative to the rat race and to the constant acquiring and management of possessions.

Simplifying does not mean moving into a tiny house or living with only one bowl. What it does mean is living within your means, with only the possessions that you need, use, and enjoy. It means having an uncluttered home, so that you can enjoy living in a calm sanctuary and not spending all of your free time cleaning. It means living within your means, so that you can have time away from work and live free of money stress.

Simplifying means breaking free of the "rules" that everyone assumes we have to follow. It means living without some "necessities" that really aren't so necessary for you and your family.

Simplicity can look differently for everyone who practices it. But it is a calmer, more sane way to live for everyone.

Author's Bio: 

Bethany helps people to live simply and realize all of their dreams at her website, http://www.onlinelifecoaching.info . She offers e-courses as well as individual e-mail, chat, and Skype sessions.