"When we were born we were sensitive to everything. We were vulnerable to everything. In that sense we lived an enlightened life.

But as we began to feel things like hurt, sadness, rejection, we began to block that sensitivity. We began to contract and separate ourselves from our experience in order to survive.

Every experience of resisting pain gets wound up tight in knots and this becomes our identity. Every experience of separating ourselves from what we are experience adds to the stress that we carry. We move further and further away from enlightened life and enlightened experience.

We begin to experience ourselves as this hard outer shell
that nothing can penetrate. Our own little battle station ready to strike out at anyone that may cause us to feel something.

And then we lose our ability to feel alive. We lose our ability to experience life. We have separated ourselves so much from our experience that we feel very little of anything.

In deep meditation, these knots begin to become unraveled. The hard outer core that we have defined ourselves to be
starts to become undone.

In meditation, all the ways we learned to protect ourselves are surrendered and again we become sensitive. Again we become vulnerable to our experience. We become sensitive to everything; we start to feel everything.

Not in the sense of getting lost in emotional drama, although that may happen at times. But in the sense of letting go of the mind's interpretation of this moment
and actually experiencing what is here prior to that interpretation.

By feeling this moment directly in meditation, without letting the rational mind interfere with your recognition of what is here.

If you are justifying something, then you are resisting something that is here. You have your walls up.

But the more you can allow sensitivity to be, to feel everything without trying to protect yourself, shield yourself,place yourself above it, then this humble sensitivity brings you back to your natural enlightened state.

Your natural state of unconditional peace.

You become so vulnerable to life, the sense of being
a separate 'you' falls away and then there is only life,
living everything as everything. Then again you live an enlightened life



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