One of the major stepping-stones preventing people from attending your clinic or business in general is not so much a lack of trust in what you do - but rather a lack of trust in you. Prospective clients often have little or no idea about you as a person (they may have an inkling if they have been referred from someone) and to get them to put their money in your hands may require something to get them over this hesitation and doubt.

In this article I will share with you several ways to do just that...

Try to build you exposure and presence as much as you can locally. There are various ways to do this and you only need to do a few to establish yourself (so pick the ideas you like and get going)...

1. Do the majority of your buying locally if possible. Use a variety of shops and buy a few items in each one to circulate yourself around town more. If possible (and whilst we still have them!) use cheques as these are more personable and they will get you noticed more - by using credit cards you reduce the interpersonal relationship.

2. Go to a local Church (if you are a church goer) where the clinic is, meet the congregation and introduce yourself.

3. Join and be active in civic clubs (if you have the time and you like it) and volunteer for committees. Even if you don't put yourself forward for the committees contact all local civic clubs and volunteer as a speaker

4. Following on from points 2 and 3...

Offer to run a promotional event with a local charity organization or local groups like the rotary. All you need to do is contact them and tell them you would like to run a fund-raiser for their charity (or your charity) of choice. Tell them you will offer all their members a reduced fee for any of your services - and that they can then donate the saving to charity.

Even though you won't make anything from the initial sale many of the people who take you up on this offer will find they will either need your services there and then and will continue to get them from you or remember your name and that you supported them in the past and use you at a later date!

5. Place your newsletters and information in local shops, cafes and anywhere else people tend to go.

6. Become a team coach or referee a local team (or sponsor a local team).

7. Meet every businessman in your community and let them know what you do and what services you provide.

8. Whenever possible, use your business cards for any little notes you hand out.

9. Get the local papers and send congratulations cards to people you know who are featured in it - and always send "thank you" notes to anyone who has helped you.

10. Meet other business professionals in town and take them to lunch - let them know you would like to refer to them and if possible joint venture with them.

As you can see from the above points - this means getting out and about, talking about what you do, about the types clients and conditions you work with and letting people see who you are.

In one of Dan Kennedy's books he takes it a little further. He mentions that rather than building a COMMUNITY of relationships you should build a FRATERNITY - the closer you can get to the hub of what the locals are doing the more clients you will gain and the less likely they will be less likely to give up on your services.

In a nut-shell join groups and societies, get yourself known, build rapport and build your business!

Author's Bio: 

W.J. Simmons has been involved in complementary health for over 25 years as both practitioner and lecturer. During this time he noticed that there was a wide discrepancy between how successful individual clinics were - a difference which had very little to do with the skill of the practitioner.

Learning from these successful practitioners allowed him to develop a system of easy to implement, ethical ideas for practice growth - the Exponential Practice Growth programme. To get your free 16 step report guaranteed to boost your own client base go to