How to Become Successful: The Four Blueprint Success Questions

Become successful. Success is a very large and broad topic. It can mean different things since we are also different humans but who comes from the very same source. Success to one person may not be success to the other person. So to be successful in life, it is very important to know who you are first and what are the most important things to you because that is where your success is hidden and if you focus all your energy time money thought and conversation there. Chances of being successful are very high or in your favor.

In this post I want to share with you the four blueprint question of success you can you in your life that can help you to be successful. The four blueprint questions will breed huge amount of success in your life if you answer them concisely by putting serious thoughts to them. They will not only help you to be successful but they will benefit all involved in your life.

Napoleon Hill calls them the "QQQM Formula" and I call them the Four Blueprint question of success. How they are called doesn't matter. What matters is they impact on a person's life when applied accordingly.

The Four Blueprint Question of Success

Question #1: What it is that I want?

The first question you need to ask yourself before you can achieve anything in life is to ask yourself what do you want or what it is that you want out of life. It is to determine precisely what do you want know how it looks like and how it takes like. To do so you need to use your minds eyes because your eyes at that moment may not see what you want but your mind eyes can and that is vision.Vision allows you to see things that your eyes and peers cannot see.

Knowing exactly what you want will help you to reject the unwanted things life will try to hand you and only accept what you want. It is easy to achieve or look for something you know than something you do not know.

Question #2 Why I want what I it?

The second question is crucial because anyone can want anything in life but not everyone can have a reason for wanting it.

Knowing your reasons will help you to keep on keeping when everything around you says stop going. Finding out your reasons and most successful people say "know your why" will make you to be spirited about achieving success and if your why is strong enough you may appear super human because it will push you when you can't push yourself and help you to overcome all the stumble block and impediments along the way.

Your why is important because most of the time is depicts in the real world who you are. If you can observe most successful people will tell you that it is their reason why which helped them to be where they and helped them to find their true selves along the journey of success.

Question #3 When do I want it?

The most popular causes of lack of action and failure I know is INDECISION and INDEFINITENESS. Going through life not being precise on when you want things to happen or when you want to achieve your dreams or goals so to speak. It is the number one reason that might make you not to realize dreams and be successful.

Knowing exactly when you want to realize your dreams is your key to your success.

Just be definite and tell yourself that by this date you are getting what you want regardless of what the external world suggests to you. The universe will just open doors which where shut and since you will have a Big enough reason (your why) for doing it or wanting to be successful. You are surely going to reap rich crops.

Question #4 How can I get what I want?

The fourth and last question, is the most vital question, yes all of them are critical. None is better than the other but this is the one that makes things happen.

It is the one that turns trash in into cash. It is the one that makes dreams to be realized if answered accordingly.If you may read the question again, you will realize that it says "how can I get what i want" it doesn't say 'I can't get what i want."

The minute you say how can you begin to introduce your mind to a new world of possibilities. Your mind start to be the servant and you begin to be the master because the word HOW opens up your mind and start showing you possibilities.

The word can also challenges your mind and tells your mind that what you want can be achieved that. My point is: when you say how can, it is different than saying I can't achieve what I want or it can't be done. Why? it is because the word can't paralyze and damages the mind. Cause it to be lazy to shut down and not show you possibilities.

e.g. when you say I can't stand up, your mind immediately shuts down and not show you possibilities on how you can do that, but when you say how can I stand up. It becomes a different experience and your mind now starts working giving you many options on how can you do just that. That is question number four.

how to become successful

Then what?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The equal reaction is the price you pay in order to get what you want and the opposite reaction is the pleasure you get when achieving what you want. Meaning that there is no pleasure without price. No pain no gain.

What I am trying to say is that to achieve success or to be successful with the method I explained above you need to pay the price first.

The price is you sitting down with a pen and a clean piece of paper, start answering these Four Blueprint Questions of Success.

The pleasure will come when you take action towards your answers. Question 2 and 3 many need more than one answer because they are questions which will take you out of your comfort zone and push you to the edge. The good news is that if you pay the price and answer them well. You will be amazed at the transformation you will bring to your life.

As for Question #4. Force your mind to write down 15 answers at minimum and then afterwards ask yourself that if you where to begin today out of all the answers you wrote down. Which one can make can make you to begin today with your journey and after you get the answer begin to take action.

Another blueprint

After you wrote down all the answers you may want to construct them to be in the fashion described below:

I am worth $xxxx(what) by 30 June 2019(when) by rendering perfect service in the capacity of real estate or providing houses for wonderful people(how), so as I may serve and add value to mankind(why)!

Your statement doesn't have to be in an exact manner as this one. This is just an example. If you answered four blueprint question. Your statement may even be better than this them well.

Once you have your own statement. Paste it where you can see it in the morning during the day when you sleep just make sure its everywhere filling up every aspect of your space until your mind to adapt it and let the statement sink or penetrate deeper in the layers of your subconscious mind.

My upcoming eBooks

I have written three eBooks so far but I haven't yet publish them. I am still putting the principles in them in a manner that anyone can understand and apply easily in his life. In one of the eBooks which I entitled it for now The Art of Bliss and Success. I have written a Chapter about these four blueprint question and I have went in depth there. So when the eBook is published you will be the first one to know. And once you know go straight to that chapter and learn more about these questions. But what I have stated here it is also profound and more enough to help you to be successful.

Author's Bio: 

Simphiwe A. Mokwena is a spirited young man who has profound insight about how individual turn to attain success in life as he has studied and still studies the minds of successful people while he is accumulating large amount of success as well for the benefit of all involved.
He is so passionate about helping people to discover the mechanism behind success because he believes that if you want to want pizza you must know the receipt first.
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