Aside pinterest, the Instagram mobile application is another major social networking application that is rapidly gaining popularity and awareness; currently averaging 80 million worldwide users. Not a bad start owing that is mainly a mobile only service.

For you to build a reasonable numbers of fans in Instagram, you will have to follow some tested and proven strategies although it is unfortunate to say this; the best course of action is usually not an easy one!

Snap and Upload captivating photos (Simple!)

At first, your basic concern ought to be the creation of appealing pictures. The basis for this is that people have the propensity of following accounts that only display the most appealing and striking snap shots. This makes sense and is frequently lost on marketers who are looking to crack a new social field. Customers don’t care if you are Nike or Adidas or even Facebook or their favorite football group their main aim of being on instagram is to surf images and photographs that catches their fancy.

For this purpose, you need to come up with a clever strategy every time you are out shooting new photos.

As a rule of thumb, you should endeavor to avoid taking irrelevant or trite pictures, which are commonly seen by people every day. In the word of Nick Bilton who works for the New York Times, (his Instagram account has more than fifty thousand followers) “people are more likely to admire you for quality over quantity - yes you may well take a fancy picture of your Starbucks cup but if I don’t know who you are and your photo is generic, I won’t be monitoring you. At instagram, “think quality” rules!

Publishing superb and average photos at the same time may not be a very good thing to do because the mediocre photos can act as a turn off to your visitors - a user on Instagram is 40% more liable to un-follow you than on twitter as there is less social engagement.

For those that have huge collection of attractive photos on their account, it’s advisable for not them not to post all at once but should post them at regular intervals. By so doing, it will keep the interest of your followers abreast and induce them to keep coming back for more interesting photographs. It is like telling a story to your child. You probably won’t spill the whole tale at the introduction, rather you will reveal bit by bit to retain his/her interest and attention.

Reciprocate gestures by also following other users
It is a common practice even with other social networking sites like twitter; people are more generally going to also follow those that follow them. So if you require users of the Instagram app to follow you, you must also do same by following them. Please note! Don’t follow others just for the mere sake of following, else just like twitter - you will end up with followers who are not into you. For your information, one engaged follower is worth a thousand none.

Like and post comments on nice images
The common currency of Instagram is the “like.” One sure way of gaining followers is by simply liking others pictures. Just by liking their images, your photos will also eventually get noticed and also receive comment/likes from them

Make use of popular Hashtags
Hashtags in a nut shell is the concept that let the users of Instagram to group a number of photos together. One sure way of making certain that your photographs receive lots of publicity is by tagging them. For example, if you possess a sunset picture, you can tag it with a popular #sunset tag so that it will be available with other photos that have the same tag (twitter anyone?). The theory is that people will search in areas that interest them #cat #icecream #olympics.

Instagram combines photography app, Facebook and twitter, so getting and staying popular requires a mix of the same skills that you would use to boost your other online profile.

Author's Bio: 

Steve writes for Buy Instagram Followers - a website designed to help boost your Instagram likes and instagram profile artificially.