A heart attack happens when there is a complete blockage in an artery which supplies blood to any area of the body. With age, the smooth muscles inside the heart might start to become weaker and often narrow down by the deposition of fatty materials known as plaque. When the plague breaks the blood cells as well as other parts of the blood stick to the damaged part leading to blood clots. So it eventually leads to a heart attack when these clots completely block the flow of blood and this seriously affects the flow of blood to the other parts of the muscles. This might even lead to severe chest pain. As an outcome, some of the heart muscles start to die. It has been found that if more delay occurs in the treatment of the blockage the greater are the chances of muscle damage and in case the muscles are not restored within time, it may even lead to heart failure. It is often known as myocardial infarction or acute myocardial infarction and so on.

In many cases, it is not possible to get immediate medical help when someone has a stroke or heart attack and in such cases, it is necessary for everyone to have an idea about the symptoms to understand whether someone is having a heart attack or not.

In case of a sudden heart attack, there are certain steps which are easy enough to be followed by anyone to avoid any damage before any professional help is given to the person. A person having a heart attack may display few symptoms that include uncomfortable pressure, a pressing kind of a pain in the centre of the chest, pain spreading across the shoulder, neck, jaw and teeth or even in the arms and abdomen. Some of the other symptoms to be taken care of include shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting in case the pressure tends to increase rapidly. Sweating and nausea can be taken as the early signs to be taken care of.

Some of the actions which could be taken in such cases are:

Call the nearby local crisis number.

Try not to overlook or endeavour to extreme out the symptom of a heart attack for over five minutes.

On the off chance that you don't approach local crisis administrations, have a neighbour or a companion drive you to the closest medical clinic. Drive yourself only if all else fails, and understand that it places you and others in danger when you drive under these conditions.

Chewing or swallowing aspirin can help however it should be kept in mind that the patient is not allergic to aspirin or has been advised to stay away from aspirin.

In case an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available and the affected person is unconscious giving a CPR is advised until the device is being set up. Once the setup is done the person should be provided with help by following all the instructions in the manual.

Begin CPR, especially when the person is unconscious, In case there is no one with a specialized CPR training a simple mouth to mouth rescue breathing and performing of only chest compressions, often advised to be 100 per minute. This needs to be continued until professional medical help is provided for the affected person. There are only a few steps involved in the process so light instructions can help completely in enabling the person to gain his/her consciousness effectively.

It is also advised to take nitroglycerine in certain cases. If a person has a doubt that he/she might be having a heart attack or that the doctor has previously prescribed it to him/her, then just as a cautionary measure it is advised to take it and visit the medical help as soon as possible. Taking nitroglycerine on your own without any medical prescription is not advised because it might lead to more problems rather than providing help.

Along with the above-mentioned steps there can be certain other measures as well to help the patients in case of need and to help them get out of danger or prevent any severe outcome until help arrives.

The vulnerability to develop a heart attack increases with the increasing age of the person. It is advised to people to stay careful, follow a healthy lifestyle and balanced meal pattern as well to avoid the occurrence of any coronary heart issues. Strokes are warning signals of any severe issue which needs to be taken care of. Cardiovascular specialists in Gurgaon are always available to help the people in cases of emergency and support them whenever needed. The decades of studies and practice has given the heart specialists in Gurgaon the expertise to run through any issue effectively and get on with further studies or researches in this area. Currently it is a matter of concern due to the increase in unhealthy lifestyle pattern practised by people, therefore, every cardiologist and most of the physicians are dedicated to making people aware about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and how it is necessary to be followed by people to have a sound health and avoid any heart-related complication in the coming years.

Author's Bio: 

The top heart doctors in India provide certain guidelines to be followed if you are suffering from hypertension, in order to avoid various heart diseases. The Cardiovascular specialists in Gurgaon provides treatment for all sorts of heart problems including those triggered by hypertension. Hypertension not on the effects our heart but can also have a severe effect on the patient's brain. Hypertension can be controlled by increasing your physical activities. Exercising can prove to be very beneficial for keeping your blood pressure under control. It is advisable to go to the doctor for frequent check-ups if you have hypertension to check for the signs of any cardiovascular or other problem.