Who else is sick and tired of NOT being paid what they are truly worth? Are you fed up with the false promises (and prophets) you ask you to open your wallet or pocketbook BEFORE they help you succeed? Are you tired of the treadmill that keeps most people off guard, off balance and NOT earning what they are truly worth, simply because they never get a chance to truly focus on that one thing?

If you are anything like most of the people reading this right now, you are ambitious, willing to work hard and simply SMART enough to succeed, without needing another guru, another gimmick or another "gadget" to get you there.

What you have INSIDE of your right now, in terms of PASSION, and purpose is more than enough to profit. You simply need a "plan" to get you there, and the easiest path is actually teaching, or SHARING what you know with others who share the same excitement and enthusiasm around a given topic, as you. (but lack your expertise, or the expertise that you are willing to work hard to create)

The easiest way to make $50,000 a year from home is to COACH. The average full time coach makes MORE than that...and many make double or triple that number, in just their first few year or two in the business.

Remember though...

I'm defining "coach" as anyone who is willing to codify CONTENT into a curriculum that can be taught to others in a structured way.

You can be a fitness coach...on the phone. You can teach, coach or educate folks about nutrition, credit repair, entrepreneurial endeavors (like I am here), Yoga and meditation, online dating...Ghost-hunting and psychic development, Jewish cooking recipes and just about every weird, wonderful, wacky and wild "niche" market you can think of has people parlaying their PASSION into profit!

(if there is an audience, you CAN make money!)

The truth is, you've got to start with a STRATEGY. Know what the goal is, and why you are doing it. If the goal is to make $100,000 from home, create the CONTENT that will support that.

You then need a STRUCTURE. What goes where...and why? If you write articles like this one, for example...what do you do with them? Do you post them on your website, OR submit them to a directory like I did here? Know the physical structure, the "marketing map" if you will that defines the landscape of your business, and you'll be glad you did.

Lastly...have a SEQUENCE of steps that allows you to automate your business. Using an auto-responder, for example...is hugely important to relieve you of the daily grind of writing and sending new messages to your community. Knowing when to ask a "free" reader to become a paying client, is another important threshold in your sequence. (I recommend waiting at least 10 days from your first email to ever try selling something)

Remember...do what you LOVE to do, and not the stuff you don't. Forget the "gurus" that tell you otherwise. Your PROFIT is in your passion. (and in more ways than can be measured by your marketing results alone)

Getting to the $50.000 a year mark is NOT hard. It's quite easy...especially if you have PASSION and a sense of "calling" about your career. Combine that with the the 3 "S's" above...and I promise you, you WILL do amazing things to your business, your brand...and your BANK account to boot!

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