Today, digital currencies are substantially more than making and receiving payments. With the use of smart contracts as well as innovative strategies, it’s possible to hold different cryptocurrencies and earn a relatively regular return.

A few projects accomplish this via Proof-of-Stake, Smart Contract, running a masternode, and even through the popular cryptocurrency exchange in India.

Here, we will take a look at a couple of well-known methods of generating passive income with cryptocurrency.

5 Most Promising Methods to Earn Money with Crypto

1. Network Staking

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) digital currencies run on a consensus algorithm. In a layman term, it implies that the maker of a block on the network is picked through a blend of wealth or age.

In contrast to Bitcoin, that is a mining-driven digital currency, Proof-of-Stake digital currencies users submit a portion of their equilibrium to basically influence the network.

The individuals who submit a greater amount of their balance have a higher possibility of being picked by the network to power the stake. Mining rewards are given for those users associated with staking the network.

2. Lending

Lending the digital currencies you own is an extraordinary method to acquire additional income. Here, you give out your cryptocurrency possessions to a third-party for a fee, who at that point attempts to further profit off of your cryptocurrency.

This is very similar to what banks do when they pay you interest to hold your money. The cryptocurrency world offers a wide range of different types of lending options, such as –

  • Automated Lending
  • Exchange Interest Programs
  • Exchange Lending (On Margin)
  • Decentralized Financial Services
  • Regular Financial Services
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending
  • 3. Mining

    Bitcoin and other digital currencies that use a Proof-of-Work framework are technically run by miners, who verify network transactions for rewards. While mining for Bitcoin has become restrictively expensive and energy-consuming, there are still a few popular cryptocurrencies that can still be mined.

    Depending upon the digital currency, you might have the option to mine with your CPU, a dedicated GPU, or you may need to buy particular hardware.

    4. Affiliate Programs

    If you already run a website or blog or have a huge following on social media, then joining affiliate programs can be good for you to generate a handsome passive income.

    Affiliate programs are free to join and pay you for referring new users onto their platform. The best advantage of this method is that it’s quick to join and begin earning. Also, money would keep coming in days, weeks, months and even years, if you keep putting required efforts.

    All you have to understand is not go overboard with affiliate links, and only promote the products that are high in quality, and you are most likely to purchase for your own.

    5. Blogging

    If you are looking for the most low-risk yet cost-effective way to generate that passive income from cryptocurrency for yourself, then Blogging is the most suitable choice you should go for.

    Through blogging, you can build a consistent passive income, make a profit with digital currency and could potentially allow you to quit your job with good blogging efforts.
    Unlike other methods, we discussed above, creating a blog post related to digital currency is more of a long-haul business method.

    You can’t get any instant result by writing a single post on your blog. But once you build a good following around your blog and get enough monthly traffic, money can come in a lot easier way than you think.


    There you go! 5 promising ways of generating some passive income in the cryptocurrency space. So go and check your Bitcoin exchange in India for your possessions and start making your Bitcoins work for you. Make sure to take advantage of these earning opportunities for increasing your cryptocurrency holdings.

    Also you can download the app and Start Trading Now!

    Android App – Cryptocurrency Exchange

    iOS App – ‎Bitcoin Exchange

    Author's Bio: 

    I am a Crypto enthusiast and a blogger by passion. I am writing now about blockchain and cryptocurrencies trends, sometimes covering importance of bitcoin for various other industries.