How to Find Insurance Jobs Online
When looking for insurance jobs, you have several opportunities available. The good news is that there are a wide variety of insurance jobs in different fields. You can work in the healthcare field, the automobile field or the real estate field. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a 3% growth in insurance jobs is predicted through 2018.
One position in the insurance industry is insurance adjusters. An insurance adjuster will review and investigate a claim through the process of extensive interviewing. Once a conclusion has been met, the insurance company begins the process to make settlement with the claimant. Another career choice is an insurance sales agent. To become an insurance sales agent the individual must obtain licensure for the state they wish to work in. Licensing involves taking courses and passing state examination. Once the insurance sales rep earns his or her license, then they can begin to sell insurance policies to customers. Then finally the next career option is an insurance underwriter. An insurance underwriter pulls together data on individual who wishes to purchase an insurance policy. Determining factors will look at a person's health, occupation and age. The insurance underwriter reviews this information to decide whether the individual is a good or bad risk, as well as how much the insurance policy will cost.
The above are the three major types of insurance jobs available. Finding these jobs online is simple if you know where and how to search. The first place that you can look is on job websites; the most popular being Monster and Yahoo's Hot Jobs. On these websites you can sign up and then upload a resume. On your resume you want to be sure that it lists any and all experience that you have in the insurance industry. Once your resume is uploaded you can began to browse jobs by type and industry as well as location. If you find jobs that interest you, you can apply for these jobs on the website. You can also set up e-mail alerts so any time a insurance job is posted in your preferred location or salary range you receive the job posting immediately.
Then the next option is going to industry-specific message boards. You can find insurance message boards based upon all fields in the insurance industry or you can find messages boards that caters strictly to one type of field such as underwriting or adjusters. On these boards, individuals will share job leads as well as tips and advice to help you in your career search. Another option is to join networking sites such as LinkedIN, where individuals can join groups based on the industry that they work in. These sites can be very beneficial when trying to create contacts and networking opportunities that will allow you to get information on job openings that may not be publically posted; online or otherwise.
Finally there online classifieds such as Craigslist that offer new job opportunities every day. Many employers will post their job ads on Craigslist. Then you can always go to newspaper websites and search their classifieds section for any insurance jobs that are available.

Author's Bio: 

Searching for a job in insurance? Or is your business looking for top talent in the industry? Many individuals and companies report success when a insurance recruiter acts as the match-maker between the hiring company and job seeker.