If personal satisfaction in your career is alluding you, it might be time to consider finding another path. Volunteering is a good way to test out different roles to see if they are a fit. Sometimes when we grow up, we follow in our parent's footsteps without ever giving much thought to what we really want.

Through volunteering you can experience things that you've never done before. You might think you like something, because your parents do, and then find out that you don't after investing a good portion of your time and resources learning and moving up the ladder. Volunteering can also open up a whole new world of connections that can enable you to have a vocation that you truly love.

Even if you must keep the position that you do not like right now, to pay the bills, find a few hours a week to explore other opportunities. You can start by reading books about other activities that interest you. Then move forward with volunteering when you are ready. During volunteering you can discover new frontiers you never thought possible. If you pay attention, you will learn where your education is lacking and how to make up for it.

Volunteering is especially beneficial to people who suffer from depression or low self worth. Through volunteering you will build leadership skills that will also assist with increasing your self confidence and sense of value. You will feel a sense of accomplishment you never thought possible, if you have chosen the right path. If after about six months to a year, you still feel restless move on to another volunteer position, doing this until you find something that speaks to the real you.

Even if you do not discover a new career you may just discover a new avenue for social interaction that feels healthy and one that gives you that added fulfillment that you need to get through each day and lead you to a happy and fulfilled life that is rich in ways beyond what money can buy.

Author's Bio: 

Award winning author, Debra J. Slover's leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years. Her website is http://www.leadershipgardenlegacy.com