First off a clear discharge is perfectly normal to have and should not be worried about. On the other hand if you have a white vaginal discharge then you most likely have a infection.

Normal discharge helps to keep the vagina clean, lubricated, and free from germs. Usually it will have a thin or clear appearance. This normally happens around the time of your menstrual period.

If you are ovulating, pregnant, or breastfeeding change could occur in your normal discharge appearance and consistency. Also douching, deodorant soaps, or perfume body sprays could upset the pH level of your vagina. This would also cause a difference in your normal discharge.

A white vaginal discharge is most commonly associated with symptoms of a yeast infection. This can be different consistency for everybody from very thin to extremely thick. However a light yellow to dark yellow almost brown discharge means you most likely have a bacterial infection.

You can usually determine how severe the infection is by the depth and texture of the discharge. A white vaginal discharge can go from mildly thin to excessively thick. If it is thin and barely white, it is probably a mild infection and can be cleared up quickly. But if the discharge is thick, very white, and has a “cottage cheese” consistency then you may be dealing with a yeast overgrowth.

I've even heard of cases where the infection is so severe that the discharge is very thick with blue specks in it. This type almost looks something like crumbled blue cheese and is a definite indication of a major candida infection.

Of course symptoms that harsh require immediate attention and really you should address a mild infection immediately. Men can have a mild yeast infection and show no symptoms at all, they probably won't even know themselves. But they can still pass it back to you, found that little tid bit of information out the hard way. You can examine his semen to see if it's extremely thick or maybe a slight odor, it's really not uncommon for men to have a yeast infection and not know it.

With the discharge of a yeast infection and bacterial one being so similar it can sometimes be hard to determine which one you have.

You really just have to examine the discharge a little to see what you are dealing with. If it's clear to slightly cloudy and thin, then this is perfectly normal and you have nothing to worry about. If you have a white vaginal discharge thick to thin with no smell or maybe just a small yeasty smell, then you have a yeast infection. And if you have a yellow to brownish discharge with a foul odor, then you are dealing with a bacterial infection.

Wearing cotton underwear, using latex condoms, avoiding long hot baths and remembering to wipe from front to back are some good precautionary steps to avoid getting an infection.

I guess the best advice I could give anyone who may have yeast infection problems is to always change out of wet clothes or bathing suits as soon as possible and after intercourse or workouts to shower immediately, basically don't let moisture be present longer than it needs to be.

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Please visit here for more information on a white vaginal discharge and read more about symptoms of a yeast infection in women and this excellent yeast infection no more review, Thank You.