Almost all women have some sort of problem with PMS. Cramping, bloating, mood swings, headaches and more can strike before your period and stick around straight through the end of it. The problem is that PMS is often misunderstood, since it can be characterized by dozens of different symptoms and impacts each woman in a different way. That's why learning how to help with PMS relief naturally can be such a good thing.


Medications for PMS and period treatment are fairly common, but they aren't as helpful as most drug companies might want you to think. After all, they are meant to help everyone a little bit. They aren't tailored to individual cases. Not only that, but most medications may only be meant to cover up one or two symptoms. They aren't meant to treat you as a whole person or to support the healing process within your body. That's why it may be better to explore natural PMS treatment options.

Natural Hormonal Changes:

The biggest cause of PMS symptoms is that natural hormonal changes take place in your body just prior to your period. Prostaglandins, estrogen and progesterone are being produced in high amounts. That is necessary for menstruation to take place, but sometimes too many of the hormones are produced. That can lead to:

Excessive Bleeding
Back Pain
Mood Swings

There are a lot of symptoms of PMS and they aren't consistent from person to person. However, they are consistent throughout human history. All women throughout the ages have had to deal with PMS and period pain. Luckily, they have found natural ways to do that.

For example, herbs have been used through the centuries to treat cramps, bloating and other symptoms. Some of the most beneficial herbs are:

Black Cohosh
White Willow Bark
Evening Primrose

Damiana and black cohosh are known for improving a woman's mood and enhancing sex drive, as well as getting rid of cramping and headaches. As for white willow bark and evening primrose, both of them have anti inflammatory capabilities. White willow bark is also a natural pain reliever and fever reducing agent.

The best herbal supplements for PMS contain all of those. For instance, Period Vitamin has each of those herbs in just the right amounts. It also features calcium, magnesium, iron, folic acid, B vitamins and other components that any woman can't do without. Taking it could help you to not just get out of bed, but feel normal prior to and during your period.

Support Your Body Properly:

No matter what herbal remedy you use, it won't help unless you support your body properly. The key to knowing how to help with PMS is to start by cleaning up your lifestyle. So, eat healthier food, get plenty of sleep, remove as much stress from your life as you can and above all else do not smoke or drink. The healthier you are, in general, the better chance you will have of saying good-bye to PMS and all of the awful things that can sometimes come along with it.

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Learn more tips and secrets and finally get rid of PMS for good? Click on this link How To Help With PMS

Discover the best remedy for those horrible PMS symptoms when you visit: PMS Damiana