If you've ever experienced a recession and got laid off, or even lost your home, then you know what it's like to have a down period in your life. In fact, millions of people suffered through the last great recession are only just starting to feel as if they're getting their lives back together.

Money problems are no fun, especially since the bills keep coming. If you want to improve your ability to afford the things you need and want, keep reading.

Focus on Success Stories

You know what it's like to feel like you've failed, now it is time to learn what it's like to succeed. To illustrate, this Tim Sykes review shares the stories of many successes who moved past seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

These are people just like you who wanted to live a more comfortable and stress-free life. It isn't rocket science, it just takes motivation and the right direction. You can't allow yourself to be at the whim of the economy.

Now is the time to take control of your future.

Get Disciplined About Investing

Your brain might need a bit of rewiring. Stick to an investment plan based on science. Most of the time, our brains work against this goal. As a result, it is important to develop discipline. You can't control a market crash or the economy.

You can control your emotions. The market moves in cycles. When it is up, you will normally feel great. When it is down, you might experience fear.

Try to regulate your emotions to understand that the market has an ebb and flow. Yet, it will still get higher over time. This is why disciplined investing works.

Set Up an Automated Investing Plan

It is part of human nature where we don't allow ourselves to enjoy anything until we have completed are "to-do" list. If you haven't started investing, you may be surprised at how much better you feel if you set up automatic investments every month or every week.

Knowing that you are building wealth helps you to feel less nervous and more confident about the future. Instead of worrying you'll be a senior citizen eating cat food, you can think about enjoying hearty pot roast whenever you like.

Plus, automated investing means you don't even have to think about it. Just determine how much you can afford to invest each month. Then, let this amount go. Most investment firms offer automated investing.

Now, you are well on your way to improving your financial outlook.

Don't Bounce In and Out

It doesn't pay off to bounce in and out of the stock market. If you do so, you will miss some of the best days in the market and may decrease your annualized return.

If you don't know anything about trading, then it is best to keep your investments for the long haul. Don't start trading until you have done extensive research and practiced with simulators.

If you invested $1,000 in the S&P 500 in 1970, your investment would have been worth around $58,000 in 2012. Think of the big picture when investing.


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