The continual doom and gloom news of the financial recession in America can bring down even the most lighthearted among us. This is especially true if you have experienced some setbacks due to the economy such as a lay off, a pay cut, or loss in investments.

Even if you're generally a positive person, when you allow the doom messages to play over and over in the recesses of your mind and affect your daily actions, you are in effect a victim of your circumstances.

There are ways to recession proof your mindset without completely separating yourself from the news, although at times this can be a good idea. Look for the ADDED value only you can bring to your life:

Appreciate what you have:
This might sound trite but there are always others who have it worse than you do. Look around you for the positive things and people that you have in your life. Even if the only positive you can find is that you're still breathing, focus on that for a moment each day.

Don't believe everything you hear:
Just because one news channel or one "professional" gives a doom and gloom message does not make it true. Fear sells newspapers and programs. Seek out those with positive messages and avoid completely negative messages or people that do not offer positive and empowering solutions.

Don't blame others for your situation:
Bad things happen to everyone, even if you are a good person and felt you did everything right. It's just a fact of life. In almost every situation you can find the place where you made a choice or took an action that put you right where you are today. There is a small chance that where you are - is exactly where you are supposed to be. By focusing on your responsibility for the situation you cast away a victim mentality.

Empathize with others:
Even when you are doing poorly or feeling bad do not forget about others. When you reach out to others in a similar or worse situation, you are effectively helping bring yourself up. Nothing soothes the fearful mind or broken heart more than connecting with others in a loving and positive way.

Don’t give up:
If you need a job, make finding a job your profession. Spend your day job hunting, improving your skills, or even starting your own business. Also look for all the little actions you can take that will add up and add value to your life today. In times like these even the simple things like cleaning the closet, garage, or house help clear the cobwebs of your mind and restore your dignity and integrity. But whatever you do, don’t give up because you will find your power, and find yourself, and ultimately your crisis behind you if you choose.

Author's Bio: 

Award winning author, Debra J. Slover's leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years.