While a relocation can create some expenses, there are ways you can actually earn money from it! The most common way is through a garage or yard sale.

This is probably a favorite because it’s a way to sell your clutter rather than tossing it in the garbage. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure, right?

Here are some tips to pull off that sale the $mart way:

Have a Plan

Give yourself time to clear the clutter! When setting your sale date, give yourself the time you’ll need to sort through the things in your home. Also, consider the possibility of holding your sale the first weekend of the month, which is around the time that most people get paid. Then you’ll want to create a “sell” stack while you are sorting and packing items for your move. This is smart because you will be accomplishing two things at the same time. When your packing is completed, you’ll have all your sale items ready to go as well!

Be Creative

Merchandise your items! Hang clothes. Put jewelry together on a table. Organized sales do better in the long run. Create combinations with single items. Perhaps you can put a basket together with some napkins and wine glasses. Create themes with toys, such as “outdoor fun” or “rainy day items” with puzzles and activity books. Create a “bargain bin” for lots of inexpensive items. Most customers love to comb through these! Run a special like “buy two get one free” or have hourly deals. Sell snacks and beverages to add on to your sales. Play relaxing or upbeat music so people will enjoy themselves and stay longer.

Make Sure People Know

These days you can capitalize on the power of social media! You can create a Facebook page or use an Instagram account to advertise your sale and include pictures of your items. Free and safe posting websites are great to use too. Put up a sign at the busiest intersections close to your home as well as the front entrance to your neighborhood. Include arrows to make it easier to find your sale.

Be Price Friendly

Your main goal is to sell the items you don’t want included in your move. Profit would just be a bonus in this case. Be reasonable. Items you want to sell at a higher rate or at market value are probably better for selling online instead of a garage or yard sale. Remember that you are selling things that you would probably throw away. So help yourself dispose of them, even if you make a little less. It will also reduce the cost of your move with a professional moving service. Whatever is left after your sale, can also most likely be donated. Check first which items your chosen charity accepts. Most charities will also give you a receipt for your donation, which is tax-deductible. This too will help to recover some of the cost for your move!


Location is everything! Set up your sale in a place that will get lots of foot traffic. If this isn’t your home, find a friend’s place or a location near a major road!
Now that you have all these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to move your wanted items and to move that extra money into your wallet! Scheduling Best Deal Movers for your relocation will also help to give you extra value for that money!

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We’re always ready to help you move, contact Best Deal Movers, LLC for a free moving quote and let us know if you have any packing and storage needs. Visit us at www.BestDealMovers.com and call 678-771-5599.