Hey, this is Dean Cortez I'd like to share a few more quick tips to help you with dating Asian women. (Because the truth is, dating Asian women requires specific tactics that you wouldn't use with non-Asian women...)

So let's jump into it. First of all, it's important that you display cleanliness and superb personal hygiene when you are around Asian ladies.

You can tell how much value Asian girls put on personal hygiene just by observing the way they take care of their appearance. Asian women will not leave the house without mindfully checking their hair and makeup -- even if they just need to go down the street to buy groceries. (Unlike a lot of American women, who will just throw on a baseball cap and pair of sweatpants.)

So whenever you're dating Asian women -- or on a mission to pick up Asian girls -- you absolutely must look clean, well-groomed and presentable. It's always better for you to be slightly over-dressed, rather than under-dressed.

Especially when you're out on dates with Asian women! You should always assume that an Asian girl is going to show up looking her best. If she shows up wearing a classy dress and you walk in wearing shorts and a tee-shirt, you can forget about ever seeing that girl again.

** Bonus Idea: If you've got facial hair, I suggest you get rid of it. Women (and not just Asian girls) nearly always agree that men look best when they are clean-shaven. This is especially true with Asian women because the men of their culture almost never have facial hair, and their skin is very soft and sensitive. They don't want to rub up against stubble. So if a beard, moustache or goattee has been part of your "look" for a while, go ahead and shave it off. Make a fresh start. Trust me, it's going to feel good.

My next on dating Asian women: you've got to communicate to Asian girls that you are an organized guy who has his life in order. They don't understand people who are constantly "soul searching" and trying to figure out what they want out of life. In their culture, the men work hard, and with a sense of purpose, and they are totally self-sufficient. If you're sharing a messy apartment with a roommate, and you don't appear to be making any forward progress with your life, it's going to be very difficult for you to attract high-quality Asian women.

This does not mean that you need to make tons of money, or have some impressive high-powered career. It simply means that you must be able to show women that you're organized. If you live in an apartment, you should keep it clean. (If possible, hire a maid to come in once a week and make the place spotless.)

You should not be saddled with a lot of debt. And when you're hanging out with Asian women, you should mention your plans for the future and ambitions. She will then imagine herself as part of your future.

Western girls will often feel attracted to guys who are "bad boys" or slackers. It's possible for a guy to have no direction in life, but still bang Western women because he turns them on sexually. You won't see attractive Asian women falling for this. These types of men totally turn them off. They require a man to be stable and secure, because that's the only way THEY will feel secure. Asian women are turned off by this type of guy. They want a man who is STABLE and can make them feel secure.

By radiating calmness, masculine confidence, and a sense that you are in command of your life and destiny, you will become very attractive to Asian women. This is an excellent starting point. In my next article I'm going to explain some more specific tactics and skills for dating Asian women, including tips for randomly approaching girls and starting cool conversations. I'll even give you some very helpful advice to help you meet beautiful Asian girls on the Internet (and how to blow away all the other guys who are competing for the hottest girls).

Click Here For The Secrets of Dating Asian Women

Author's Bio: 

So do you want to learn the secrets of dating Asian women and be the confident, attractive man that Asian girls find charming and irresistible? Learn the 7 mistakes you've been making with Asian women and how to approach them the RIGHT way. It's all in our free video at the How To Pick Up Asian Women site. Right now we're giving away a FREE, 75-page manual filled with pickup and seduction tactics -- so go and download your free book now!