Now that we have begun a New Year it is time to consider a new way of thinking about your finances. Did you know you can actually have more by simply managing your money better? I have a short exercise for you to do that will show this. Take out a sheet of paper and fold it in half by taking the top corners and bringing them together.

Write the word "Income" on the top of the left hand side of the paper. Beneath that, make a list of the jobs where your family draws income from. Next to each job, write down the take home amount that is made each month. If you have any other income sources (such as child support, etc) be sure to include those as well.

Let's now take a look at what it costs you to live for a month. To the right of the folded crease, make a list of all of your living costs. This includes the monthly bills, groceries and vehicle costs. For expenses that are variable, such as groceries, air conditioning and heating, it is recommended that you write down the most you are willing to spend.

It is important to add emergency funds and play funds as expenses. The emergency account is self explanatory. The play account is used to handle all fun, non essential expenses (such as eating out or going to the movies). This way, fun expenses are simplified in your budget under one category.

Now, you'll get the total. Add up the numbers on both columns.
If you have more expenses than income you have a decision to make. You need to start tightening the belt around your expenses. Determine what you can live without and start cutting. Or, you can increase your income.

Most of the time making a bigger income seems elusive to people. They think they either need to spend years in school, or climb the corporate ladder. The problem with both of these scenarios (and don't completely cross them out, they work!) is time. All of us have a finite amount of time. What you want to do it work smarter with that time, not harder, by generating passive income streams.

Passive income streams are when you are still making money after you have stopped working on that job. A good example is book writing- the author writes that book only once, but continues to get paid over and over each time that book sells. Passive income!

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Author's Bio: 

Leigh is a medical student by day, freelance writer by night.