Sometimes referred to as a bacterial yeast infection a candida infection is one of the most common infections in women. Although the symptoms of a bacterial infection or bacterial vaginosis and a yeast infection or candida infection can mimic each other, they are completely different.

Bacterial vaginosis used to be referred to as Gardnerella vaginitis. This is because the bacterium that usually causes this infection is Gardnerella.

Now a fungus is actually responsible for a yeast infection. A candida albicans infection is what we generally call a yeast infection in women and all candida infections are basically just a yeast overgrowth.

Candidas live naturally in the body and are usually kept in check by your immune system and the proper balance of “good” bacteria. However a infection can occur when your natural flora balance is disturbed for some reason.

This could be something like you having to take antibiotics or you’ve had new yeast introduced in some way. Anything that may upset the balance between “good” and “bad” bacteria can cause you to get either one of these infections. Antibiotics are the number one reason for getting many types of candida infections and bacterial vaginosis.

A candida infection or yeast infection can be sexually transmitted between partners, I found that out with my husband the hard way. However bacterial vaginosis cannot be transmitted back and forth.

Men can have little to no signs of a mild yeast infection. And yet they are still capable of transmitting it, they can just carry it for a long time if left untreated.

Symptoms of a yeast infection are a vaginal white discharge that could be light to heavy with the consistency of cottage cheese. So women have described it like crumbly blue cheese.

You should experience soreness around the vagina with quite a lot of itchiness. Other symptoms may include painful urination and pain during intercourse.

Candida can cause many problems for you if left untreated. Yeast infections can occur almost anywhere that is dark and moist. Candida infections range from thrush, skin or athlete’s foot to more serious infections like digestive tract, intestinal infections all the way up to a systemic yeast infection.

A systemic candida infection is rare but you don't want to take that chance. A systemic condition is where candida have entered the blood stream and will start to wreak havoc on your organs, possibly start shutting them down.

You want to kill all the candida in your entire body for any type of yeast infection. This is the only way to be sure you have performed a permanent cure and won't be dealing with another infection soon. Over the counter yeast infection treatments only cure your symptoms and do not fix the root of the problem.

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Please visit here for more information on bacterial yeast infection and read this excellent yeast infection no more review, Thank You