Have you spent any time lately considering the pull-marketing strategy you’re using to attract ideal clients to you? Pull-marketing strategies go beyond turning on your open for business sign, setting up your website and hoping that people find you.

That’s the hope and pray method of marketing, and it doesn’t work (except in the movies).

When you think about pull-marketing, some of the first ideas that should pop into your mind are being client-attractive and authentic marketing. That means you make yourself stand out in your industry and make yourself the go-to provider for people looking for the products and services you offer.

People should come to you naturally and consistently. There should be a steady stream of new prospects and clients filling your email box and on your phone lines. If you’re being authentic in your marketing, and you’re being client-attractive, this should happen naturally as people, the right people, will be drawn to you and what you do.

So what strategies are you using? Do you have a good Incredible Free Offer (IFO)? Is your IFO attracting your ideal clients? Is it acting like the secret sauce people just can’t get enough of?

Remember, what you’re offering in your free offer has to be impactful enough for people to give you their name and email address in exchange for what you’re offering.

What about a referral system? Do you use rewards to get your clients to refer people to you? Do you have a system in place that allows you to say thank you to clients when they make a referral – whether you close the sale or not?

These are strategies you can use to be more client-attractive, so people come to you naturally instead of you always having to push to make things happen in your business.

More and more business owners are forcing everything, pushing marketing and their business onto people whether they want it or not. This isn’t strategy - well, it may be strategy, but it’s not a very good strategy and certainly does nothing to help your business or your life be easier and more fulfilling.

So really think about the pull-marketing strategies you’re using in your business. Do you have enough of them in place so clients and prospects are flowing in at all times, naturally and consistently?

Remember, being in business doesn’t have to be so hard, and when you start being more attractive, you don’t have to be forceful in your sales and marketing strategies. When you’re not forcing your business and your marketing, your whole life becomes a whole lot easier.

Author's Bio: 

Diane Conklin is an internationally known author, entrepreneur, coach, consultant, event planner, speaker and copywriter. Diane is a direct response marketing expert who specializes in showing small business owners how to integrate their online and offline marketing strategies, media and methods, to get maximum results from their marketing dollars.

As a marketing and business strategist, Diane shows entrepreneurs and small business owners how to outperform their competition by measuring their marketing, and strategically use multi-media campaigns to stand alone in their marketplace as the go-to provider for their products and services.

She is the founder of Complete Marketing Systems and for more than 14 years has been showing small business owners how to start, build and grow businesses where they take knowledge they already possess and turn it into passive, ongoing, leveraged profits.

Diane has been involved in numerous campaigns grossing over $1,000,000.00 in sales several times in her career.

Diane has proprietary home study systems, coaching programs, masterminds, and provides done-for-you services in the areas of Social Media, Information Marketing, Direct Response Marketing, Direct Mail, and Event Marketing, Planning and Management.

As a speaker, Diane has shared the stage with the likes of Joan Rivers, George Foreman, Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Harry Dent, Barbara Corcoran, James Malinchak, Peggy McColl, Marie Forleo and many others.

Diane was voted Marketer of the Year for her innovative marketing strategies and campaigns.