These days, simply a degree would not be enough to let you get a job. It is important to take the training courses that can make some sense to your career. The Spark Training In Bangalore is reckoned as an essential course to enhance your career into some heights. The top industries like healthcare, manufacturing, retail and more are using spark framework. A lot of companies are looking for the candidates that are trained to work on spark. With no doubts, if you take this course, you will make yourself as the sought-after candidate and get more jobs to choose from.
The course previews is explained as follows,
• Introduction to spark
• Introduction to programming in scala
• Using RDD for creating applications
• Running SQL queries
• Spark streaming
• Spark ML programming
• Spark GraphX programming and more.
You need to complete the exam with good marks to get your spark training certificate. Another course that can enhance your career is selenium. The selenium training will help groom you as a robust tester of web applications and mobile applications. Professionals such as test managers, test leads, QA engineers, software developers and more can take the selenium course. The candidates that want to take part in the course must have some basic core Java knowledge. The course will help you execute the hands on training. The best part is that, you can do Selenium Training with a Project, so enhancing your skills in selenium would not be tough to you.

Author's Bio: 

These days, simply a degree would not be enough to let you get a job. It is important to take the training courses that can make some sense to your career.