If you ever wonder how can you premature ejaculation, you don't need to look further since the answer to that question relies on you. If you are bothered by the fact that you don't usually satisfy your partner in bed because you don't even last 5 minutes, you can stop feeling embarrassed and start enjoying the deed more than ever.

You need to know your body, and the first thing to familiarize yourself with is the pubococcygeus muscle or simply known as the PC muscle. Imagine yourself urinating and cutting off midstream for some unintended reason. The muscle used to achieve this is the PC muscle. You need to maintain a strong PC muscle to stop premature ejaculation. To do this, you need to identify your PC muscle and flex it.

What you need to do is flex the muscle and hold it for about a second. Release, then wait 1 second and then flex again. You can practically do this anytime and anywhere. You need do this set 15 to 20 reps about 3 times a day for the next week. The stronger your PC muscle is, the more chance that you can control it which would make it easier to control your climax firing sexual intercourse.

Medicines and creams can leave you with serious side effects. You can actually try them out but I suggest you cure yourself naturally. This can save you time and money in the long run. Plus it can greatly benefit you and your partner both in the bedroom and in your relationship in general. Don't let this small thing hold you back and strip you of your sexual confidence.

To learn more about how to end premature ejaculation for good, visit my website and learn the 3 simple secrets to last longer in bed.

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Please visit my website at Fullanews.com for more information.