
What to do TODAY. In other words, a schedule. I know I need to create a website, build my contact list, go to networking meetings, create an e-zine, write in my blog, update the blog with new photos, contact potential clients, contact colleagues, send out letters of introduction or update, as well as see my clients, get continuing education on my profession and take classes about business building, but how the heck am I supposed to do that all and in what order and when?


This question is a question of prioritization. The good news is, you don’t have to do everything Now. The key is putting them in a sequence of what’s most important to do right Now.

As soon as you wake up in the morning and you are getting ready for your day, go back to your Big WHY—your purpose for doing what you do. Write it down. It can be to make a difference, to make so much money doing what you love so you can help more people, to generate cash so you can send your kids to college, help your spouse retire or give back to your parents, financial freedom, or to utilize your talents and potential.

Then, focus on the results that you want. Write it down. What specific results do you want to happen? To get 3 new clients, to generate $3,000, to be respected and recognized for the brilliant work you do, etc. In business this is usually monetary or else you will be charitable workers and helping other people for free.

Next, Ask yourself the question, “What’s my fastest way to cash?” Look at your list and see which activity and which sequence will bring you income the fastest.

Let’s look at your list: Create a website, Build contact list, Go to networking meetings, Create and e-zine, Write blog entry, Update the blog with new photos, Contact potential clients, Contact colleagues, Send out letters of introduction, See clients, Get continuing education on my profession, Take classes about business building.

Look at the length of time it will take you to accomplish your task and how long before you can get the result you want from it. For example: in creating a website, you need to write your copy, choose a domain name, find a graphic artist, decide on a color scheme and logo, get a webhost, do search engine optimization, register to search engine sites, etc. Creating a website might take you months and not get a single client from it. On the other hand, let’s look at contact potential clients. How long will it take you to pick up the phone, build rapport and offer an introductory session? 10-30 minutes? Let’s say it will take you 5 hours to make 10 calls. In 5 hours, you might have gotten a client, a referral, build stronger relationships or eliminate people in your list that will make it easier for you to concentrate your efforts next time only on people who are interested.

There are so many tasks that are important tasks to growing your business. Just remember that you don’t have to do everything at the same time, because it’s impossible unless you are delegating and outsourcing most of them. The key is to determine the shortest path to your goal. I suggest you map out your year in advance, then have a 3 or 6-month plan, then a weekly plan and a daily to-do. Make your realistic to do list one day before so you never have to wake up not knowing what you will do for the day.

Author's Bio: 

Make More Money Coach, Trissa Tismal teaches you to get out
of overwhelm and start making money!
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