As well as the placement of crystals around a healing room, crystals have very specific contributions to make to Healing itself. Crystal healers are those who have developed their relationship with crystals to a level where they can actively place the right crystals in the perfect place on or around the body in order to bring about the perfect healing grid for that persons need in that moment. If you are drawn to crystals, it’s entirely possible for you to develop your skill to that level. At that level, the skill is very much a result of the unique relationship between you the Healer, the crystal kingdom and the client – there really is little to no training at that level. However, you are able to start developing your skill with this work.

An important part of any healing is in the area of ethics and procedures. These points are important for you to understand if you are going to be working with people.
1.Don’t promise healing – you don’t know what the purpose of this healing journey is so don’t make promises you can’t keep,
2.Don’t diagnose – unless you are legally recognised as a diagnostician, don’t go there. Besides, it’s not necessary in this work.
3.Maintain the confidentiality of any client you work with – they are making themselves vulnerable to you, make sure you respect that.
4.Check for dangly hair or jewellery that may irritate or tickle the client as they lie there.
5.If they start snoring, don’t tease them – for some people that is very humiliating.
6.If someone starts panting, sobbing, squirming or otherwise seeming disturbed or uncomfortable, it is likely that they are experiencing a release (a bit of negative energy that’s been stuck in their energy field that is working itself loose and coming out) – make sure you let them know that it’s okay – and that it will pass. If they are too uncomfortable and want to stop then remove the crystals quickly and help them up.
Chakra Balance

The Kundalini Chakra System
To understand the Chakra Balance, you need a rudimentary understanding of the Chakra System. We will be working with the Kundalini Chakra System (KCS) – this is the most commonly recognised of the many chakra systems we have in our complex energy system. The KCS is comprised of 7 chakras seated at various places through the centre of our body. Each chakra is a portal – a doorway through which information and experience are received, sent and recorded by us.
Starting from the Base chakra which sits at the perineum (the area between the testicles or vagina and the anus) – this chakra is coloured red and it’s focus is on the areas of Safety, security, material possessions, money, connecting to the earth, being here on earth, family, tribal and genetic issues and heritage.
The Sacral chakra sits just below the navel and is orange in colour. Its focus is on emotions, sexuality, interaction, procreation, creation and creativity.
The Solar plexus chakra is placed at the base of the ribs and its colour is yellow. This energy is all about self esteem, self confidence, will power, personal power. (Both over and under energised).
The Heart chakra sits in the centre of the chest and its colour is spring green (you can also sometimes see rose pink here as well). This energy is all about love and healing.
The Throat chakra is placed at the base of the throat and its colour is sky blue. Here the focus is on communication and self expression.
The Brow chakra is situated in the centre of the forehead and its colour is dark indigo purple-blue. The issue and focus here is all about vision and perception.
The Crown chakra is seated at the top of the head and its colour is beautiful amethyst purple. The focus here is intellect and connection to the Divine.
The Chakras themselves look like spinning vortices (like tornadoes) but when in balance are flowing smoothly and feel and look wonderful. Aside from the base and crown chakras, the chakras each have front and rear components and all of the components of the chakra system are joined by a central channel of light.
Chakras become out of balance due to abusive or false information received – when this happens the information as it comes in imprints on the fabric of the chakra, pulling it out of balance. If the chakra is not healed and returned to balance, then when other information comes in, it is affected by the imbalance, and in turn makes the imbalance even worse. You can have chakra imbalances that reach back lifetimes.
Fortunately it is quite easy to restore chakras to perfect balance and with a bit of persistence you can retrain the chakras to maintain that balance (rather than reverting to the imbalance the system had become used to) .
Chakra balancing with crystals is very powerful work and becomes more so as you develop your sensitivity to the chakras and the crystal kingdom.
To build your Chakra Balancing kit, you need to gather some crystals/stones. I will list a selection here, however, there are many options, many crystal books provide different possibilities and it’s worth tuning in to your guidance as well.
The shape of the crystal/stone will be of significance here as well. If they have a reasonably flat side, it will be easier for them to sit comfortably on the body without rolling off.
Base Chakra – garnet, bloodstone
Sacral Chakra – carnelian, dark citrine
Solar Plexus – pale citrine, yellow calcite
Heart – malachite, rose quartz, emerald, watermelon tourmaline
Throat – turquoise, sapphire, blue lace agate
Brow – lapis lazuli, sodalite, sugalite
Crown – amethyst, clear quartz
I also recommend getting two pieces of black tourmaline and several points of quartz.

Before you do anything, remember to cleanse, energise and connect with each crystal. Put together a bag/bags, or cloths to wrap the crystals in – treat them with love and respect – bringing them out when you choose to do a chakra balancing on someone.

The Chakra Balance

Have the person lie on their back on a healing table. Stand away from the table (and out of their energy field) and connect the Divine Guidance (Your Higher Self, God, Archangel Michael and Raphael, as examples) using prayer or the method that works for you.
You may like to place a white sheet over the person from the neck down just to make it easier to keep the crystals still, however it is not necessary. If you do use a sheet, make sure that it is white as the various colours will affect the healing – and as white encompasses all colours, it is the most ideal.
Starting with the base, place the crystals over the various chakras (you don’t need to be precise –the general area will be fine). The Base crystal can go on the pubic bone or above it and the crown can go above the head on the table.
Then place the tourmaline below or near the feet and the quartz points around the body, facing outwards. Maintain this position for about 10 minutes. During this time you can sit at behind the person’s head, and tune in Universal Energy (by asking the Creator, “Please use me as a channel for your healing, loving energy”) then place your hands on the person’s shoulders. (Don’t place them on the person’s head, as you already have crystal energy in there and adding anymore energy to the head can become quite uncomfortable). Whilst doing this, keep an eye on the person, their breathing, or emotional state. If they start to breath heavily, pant, sob, or any other reaction, just speak quietly, letting them know that they are safe, and that this is just a clearing – it will leave them in a moment.
When the healing process is complete – remove the crystals, (and the sheet if used), and gently hold their ankles for a minute or two to ground them. When complete, tell the person that the work is done and that you will get them some water and be back in a moment. In the meantime they can sit up on the table (it gives them time to adjust
themselves). Talk to them about anything they may have experienced and insights that you may
have been given during the healing. Remember to always clear and energise all crystals used during this work.

Expanding the Chakra Work
Ways of expanding the Chakra work include – getting small (2-3cm) quartz points and placing four of them around each stone, facing outwards. This creates a grid (grids expand the energy considerably) of energy focused on the chakra. You can also add extra quartz crystals around the outer body; Put a crystal of your choice in both hands of the receiver; Place kyanite in a grid around the individual crystals; And so on.

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This concludes the fifth lesson in the Crystal Consciousness Course. Next week you will be learning how to perform intuitive crystal healing on a client. All of this information is original material by Daniella Breen, also known as Shaman Goddess. To access more of her material, her free newsletter and free Chakra Healing Course and more, go to