I have often wondered how mind control works, and if is it at all possible? So the purpose of this article is to explain mind control, while at the same time dispelling any of the myths that surround hypnosis.
When we speak of mind control in a hypnotic sense, what we are really talking about is using the power of suggestion to create a positive (or maybe even a negative?) outcome.
Understand that when we talk about hypnosis, we are not talking about what you see on television, that is largely myth or showmanship. True hypnosis is the tapping into the sub-conscious mind while a person is fully awake, but in a trance like state.
If you took an otherwise law abiding citizen, and put them into a hypnotic state, you would not be able to force them to do anything that they would not ordinarily do. In other words, they would not break the law or do anything illegal, if it is not already something they would have done under ordinary circumstances, they are not likely to do it under hypnosis.
If you look on the Internet you will see many stories and theories about US President Obama's use of hidden hypnosis techniques in his speeches. Well, even if that were true, as you can see it would not make people vote for him or do what he wants them to against their will, the media at large probably has more to do with that than the President using hypnosis!
More likely, you would be able to use hypnosis to help take away negative thoughts like; “I am going to lose,” by having it suggested to you on a sub-conscious level that you are going to win. Likewise, hypnosis can and has been successfully used to stop smoking, lose weight, and even improve on the old golf game! In fact, it is common knowledge in golf circles that a well known golfer (perhaps the most well known!) has been using the power of hypnotic suggestion since his teens.
Hypnosis can be accomplished in a number of ways, with the 2 most popular being through a hypnotherapist and the other through the use of CD, DVD and taped recordings. Now that we know what it is and is not, let’s dig a little deeper into how it actually works.
The best way to describe hypnosis is to discuss what actually happens to a person when they are put into this trance-like state. This individual exists in a specific place and time as we know it, but he or she must place themselves into another place, this is not to say in the past or the future as some believe is possible. It simply means that they have to project themselves to another place by focusing his or herself on to someplace else other than where they presently are.
To anyone watching it appears that the person is totally outside his or herself, but infact they are still totally in control. While they are in the hypnotic trance-like state the person appears to be asleep, but in reality nothing is further from the truth. The person is actually more focused on one particular thing, despite what their appearance may project.
Another myth that needs dispelling about hypnosis is the common belief that those who are submissive are more receptive to it, in reality that is not the case. People that are most receptive to hypnosis are those that are creative and highly independent.
Hypnosis also differs from sleep in the alpha brain wave level, these brain waves can be measured low during the asleep state but these same waves measure high during hypnosis. Furthermore, when a person is in a hypnotic state they can hear but when they are asleep they cannot.
There are powerful mind control techniques that can be used by almost anyone, and there is obviously a danger that some unscrupulous people will do bad things with these techniques. Make sure that you are not one of them.
John Osgood is a hypnosis enthusiast who runs the website http://www.hypnosismagicsecrets.com
John provides free information, Videos, Podcasts and Articles and the best educational resources available for people who want to take their interest in hypnosis further.
Subscribe to his newsletter now for an exclusive FREE Hypnosis Book. Go to:http://www.hypnosismagicsecrets.com/
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