Often enough I have met people who have major issues with managing their time because of household duties. You can use a home organizer to manage your time but what if you don't have one? Between you and me we all know that most people don’t like washing up. When you don’t have a dishwasher, it doesn’t mean that dishes should never be washed. How many times have you said to yourself that you’d rather have paper plates and cups that you can easily dispose of after using? I used to be a victim of this until when I discovered a clever way to do the washing up to save time.
I now invite you to my little challenge. The challenge is to try and regularly do your washing up for at least two weeks. Yes, that’s not too long, imagine taking up the challenge for life. If you still live at home with your parents and you never do the washing up, take up the challenge. Tell your parents you will be responsible for doing all the dishes for the two weeks. I’m sure this will come as the biggest surprise they’ve ever heard from you. But hey, if I did it I guess you can do it as well.
Surprise your partner and take up the challenge. Students living in halls of residence are also welcome. Let’s do this.
So what am I talking about?
1. Do not procrastinate. After using any dishes, pots and cutlery, make sure that you arrange to clean them at the earliest opportunity. The longer you wait the more difficult it will become to want to do the washing up.
2. Rinse immediately. I have used this idea for quite some time and it seems to work for me. As soon as you finish using any pots or dishes, make it a habit to give them a quick rinse before leaving them in your sink. This will not only make life easy when washing up but you will also avoid the bad smells building up in the sink.
3. Use hot water. Once you have decided it’s time to do the washing up, do it then but don’t change your mind. Fill up your sink or bowl (if you use a sink bowl) with hot water mixed with washing up liquid then put all the dishes in the foamy water. This is very important because hot water is a natural grease remover. When mixed with washing up liquid, you will probably have cleaned the dishes without even scrubbing them. All the food and grease will automatically dissolve in the water. Tip: Do not overload the sink otherwise food will still be stuck on plates and you will end up with greasy dishes.
4. Leave the dishes in the sink to sit for about 30 minutes. You can use this time to do something else in the house. I normally like watching my favourite program during that 30 minutes wait. I use this as my time keeper because as soon as the program finishes I know it’s time to go and attend to my dishes.
5. You’re done. Finally depending on your preference, you can just remove your dishes from the sink and lay then on your dish rack tray or use clear water to rinse your dishes before stacking them up.

Author's Bio: 

Famau Shee is a webmaster and the author of www.get-organized-easy.com.
He always writes articles about time management and self organization for fun and the article above is just one of the many articles you can find by this fascinating writer.