If you’re at the end of your third trimester, you’ve probably already talked to your doctor about chemical induction. Although there are thousands of women that choose to have their labors chemically induced, they also have suffered greatly as a result. Here you will find out everything you could ever need to know about Pitocin, one of the chemicals used to induce labor in hospitals. You’ll also learn why natural labor induction is safe and more effective. Pitocin is used to mimic the effects of Oxytocin, which your body already naturally produces. Synthetic oxytocin can also be called Syntocinon and will have the same effects as pitocin. Protect yourself and your baby by knowing the facts. This important information could save both of your lives. These are some of the known effects of Pitocin & Syntocinon on pregnant women:

Stroke – Subarachnoid Hemorrhage or an SAH is a form of stroke that can cause severe disability or death even when treated immediately. Half of SAH cases result in death.

Anaphylaxis – This is the medical term for an extreme allergic reaction. If you suffer from anaphylaxis due to Pitocin or Syntocinon you can suffer such symptoms as throat swelling, low blood pressure and even death.

Cardiac Arrhythmia – This means any severe increase or decrease in heart rate. This is not only the greatest cause of death in ambulances on the way to the hospital but can also result in cardiac arrest.

Other severe side effects in women include increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, ruptured uterus, premature ventricular contractions, fatal afibrinogenemia, pelvic hematoma, decreased blood pressure, hypertensive episodes, spasms and tetanic contractions. Death in the mother has also been caused as a result of water intoxication induced by oxytocin.

For your baby, you may risk the following: Bradycardia, low Apgar scores at five minutes, fetal death, neonatal jaundice, neonatal seizures, permanent brain damage, neonatal retinal hemorrhaging. This list runs the gamut from slowed heart rate all the way to death. Now to be clear, these are just the short-term effects of Pitocin, and not the long-term effects. There are still no studies showing what the effects of Pitocin may be on you or your child.

If you’re considering elective labor induction, natural techniques are the most effective and safe way for you and your baby. Imagine a delivery that is short and almost painless. You can have your dream delivery without having to resort to using Pitocin or falling to pressures from the hospital. What most women don’t know is that the FDA hasn’t even approved Pitocin for elective induction, but it is still the number one choice of most hospitals.

Talk to your family about having a home delivery to avoid these risks. Also, there are many ways you can eat your way into delivery from home, without danger. Do your research and talk to your partner before you sit down and make any labor decisions on paper. Having a birth plan written out will help you and your family rest easy and will leave you relaxed knowing you’ve made all of the important decisions ahead of time.

Author's Bio: 

Being pregnant is wonderful, but if you're near your due date, or past it, you're living in a constant state of discomfort. Medical induction isn't your only choice when it comes to bringing on the birth of your new son or daughter. There is a safe, guaranteed way to induce your own labor naturally.

You can use effective acupressure techniques to help stimulate contractions. Labor acupressure not only can help you begin labor in the next 36 hours, but it also helps to diminish the pain you'll feel. It's a perfect choice for both you and the baby.