Car drivers now use their car GPS device to get precise updates on street and highway maps. They want to know best driving time, location of the nearest gas station, restaurant or any specific point of interest.

Garmin GPS updates are frequently offered by the Garmin device manufacturer and the use of GPS technology is also expanding rapidly.

GPS map updates have whopping amount of information to share with the users. The regular Garmin GPS users quickly become accustomed to these updates, but often find it frustrating when some details get missed.

Updating your Garmin GPS

If you've a Garmin GPS device with lifetime maps or a free map update, you'll be asked to install it and run Garmin Express to update the GPS device software. Those with lifetime maps, can update it with the latest software.

If you don't have lifetime maps, you can go for purchasing lifetime maps or a one-time update. It's important to make Garmin GPS updates, because local roads and streets frequently change. Otherwise, you've to wait until you find that the maps are outdated enough to interfere with navigation.

Why You Need to Update?

Suppose you're traveling outside the United States and you have the Garmin GPS device with you. So, this gives you one more good reason to update your Garmin maps with the help of Garmin map updater.

There are devices that include Mexico and Canada, but in case you want to go to Greece or on a road trip through South America, you'll need to update maps separately. This can be done by clicking the icon "Store" in Garmin Express software, and choosing a specific set of map that covers the area you plan to visit. You can also pair or connect other Garmin devices to your smartphone, and use Mobile Connect service to receive updated alerts on traffic and parking information.

How to Update Garmin GPS?

Here’s an easy guide on updating your Garmin GPS.

Step 1
Go to “Garmin Website” and select the update from the website that you would like you to install on your GPS device.

Step 2
Select the option for update – either choose via satellite or just type in your Garmin GPS device serial number, and get the full info on reliable update.

Step 3
Wait until your GPS device tells you the right Garmin update. Then, complete the process before turning off you Garmin GPS unit. If possible, you can consider taking assistance help from Garmin customer care team.

In the End

The updates may take a couple of minutes or several hours to install, depending on the device you're using. You can check the onscreen time estimate to have an idea about how long the Garmin GPS update process may take to complete. Wait until the Garmin Express app shows "installation complete" before closing it.

In some cases, Garmin Express may not prompt you to update your Garmin GPS device, so take care of it and follow the information provided here to complete the update process.

Author's Bio: 

I could be called a wizard from the tech world, I think I have an awesome manner of telling things about various parameters without bragging too much. I have got this opportunity to build a long list but as I keep it short and smart to keep the audience interested in my masterpiece.