There is endless debate about the pros and cons of Internet networking. Should it be allowed at work? How does it affect productivity? Is it bad? Is it good? Regardless of which side you line up on there is one thing that we can agree upon. Internet networking is not going to go away any time soon. That being the case, we need to look at it to discover how it can be used as a tool for networking. Like tools that we use - we don't rely on any one of them to do the entire job so how, when and where does internet networking fit into our well-planned strategy?

A good starting point is to call to mind the basic definition of networking:

"Sharing with people who share similar interests"

Is that definition possible with internet networking? Absolutely. It is person to person, although not face to face and internet networking has three speeds: quick; quicker and quickest. If you`re still hesitating, think for a minute about how many contacts and meetings and networking events it takes, before you reach even one successful sale. Okay? We aren't going to turn away from a potential mother lode.


The following statistics are reported on

* Social networking and blogging sites accounted for 17% of all time spent on the Internet.
* The popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more than quadrupled from 2005 to 2009.
* As of Sep. 15, 2009, Facebook had 90 million users in the US and 300 million users worldwide.
* The amount of time Americans spent on social networking sites increased 83% from 2008 to 2009.
* US advertisers spent an estimated $1.4 billion to place ads on social networking sites in 2008 and advertising expenditures are predicted to rise to $2.6 billion by 2012, indicating the rising influence of these sites in modern society.


Many of the basic tools and rules of live networking are the same when using the internet:

* Be polite, professional and humble.
* Be prepared. If you don't know what you're looking for, you won't find it.
* Give more than you ask for. You're building a network NOT scattergun selling.

The goal is to learn how to use Internet tools so that you have thousands of people reaching out to you because your business, service or talents are able to fill what they're looking for to make them profitable.

When you are working a room, you no doubt have strategies that set you apart from the masses. This is even more important when networking on the Internet. Time is short! Focus on why they should do business with you. Get it right and you can present your next points. Get it wrong. They're gone!


Everyone is different. Great! You want to be unique. Not all of the following suggestions will work for everyone. Try the ones that you're comfortable with. Some of the ideas are minor changes but you'll create a cumulative effect. You could create mountains out of molehills.

1. Use your photograph.
2. Some people recommend against this but, for me, I do business with people and like to put a face with the words. If you get my attention, I probably will want to put a voice and a meeting and a contract and.... Well you see where I'm going. This works on Social networks and you might want to try a small headshot image next to your email signature.Start a Group.When you know what you're looking for, reach out and find all those like-minded people. If you don`t start a group, at least join some.
3. Ask for Feedback.Remember it's a dialogue.
4. Write as if you're talking one-to-one with a real, live person and write as if you are one too!Earn your place in a network. Be real.
5. Ask for Help. We all want to be needed. Let other people show you their expertise by asking for help with content ideas, guest writing, or brainstorming.
6. Give Referrals.It always comes back ten-fold.
7. All Together Now.Link up all your Internet goodies. Brand yourself.
8. Keep your Update up-to-date.
9. If you're having trouble with content, be a good networker and give comments to others.Answer questions promptly and professionally.Open a discussion. Don`t dismiss other points of view. You may learn something.
10. Connect Frequently.
It may be number ten on this list, but it's number one whether you`re in cyberspace or face-to-face.


Once you`ve found effective ways to get the Internet working, don't forget to share your ideas, expertise and help when your off-site. What goes around comes around. Now you're networking!

Thanks for tapping in to, INTERNET NETWORKING: You Gotta Love it!

Author's Bio: 

Drew Hunt has 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur, expert networker, and sales executive. Currently Drew is a Chief Network Development Officer at Inspirecard ( The Inspire Card is a simple yet very powerful marketing platform designed to help you retain your customers while drawing new customers from a community of businesses. The Inspire Card accomplishes these fundamental business goals at a price that EVERYONE can afford!