The female cannabis plant is smoked, more precisely the flower of the female cannabis plant. This contains a lot of THC. The male cannabis plant, on the other hand, does not develop flowers and contains only a small amount of THC.

Is there a difference between hash, weed, and marijuana?

Cannabis has many names: hashish, marijuana, weed and more - ultimately all terms refer to parts of the hemp plant. The flowers of the female plant that are dried and smoked are called marijuana or grass. Hashish is an extract made from the "resin" of cannabis.

The THC content is particularly high in the flowers of the hemp plant, the marijuana flowers. That is why only these components of the female cannabis plant are usually harvested and dried. Hashish also comes from the hemp plant, but it is a little more difficult to obtain: It consists of the resin of the plant, which is found on the stem as well as the flowers.

The resin is separated from the plant by drying and cooling it. The resin falls off and is now sieved and pressed. The pure cannabis resin can contain twice as high a proportion of the cannabis active ingredient THC than the marijuana flower. Small amounts then lead to a strong intoxication. If you are interested in buying weed, marijuana you must be sure to get branded products like Weedsly or from any trusted brand.

What side effects can smoking weed have?

In addition to possible brain changes in young people and the risk of psychosis, long-term consumption can also lead to chronic bronchitis. Unlike alcohol and nicotine, cannabis apparently rarely leads to physical dependence. However, psychological dependence is possible.

How does smoking weed affect the adolescent brain?

Under no circumstances should children and adolescents consume the drug. This is because the early consumption of marijuana can damage the brain in the development phase. That is why there are strict age limits in the event of cannabis legalization.

Studies have shown that the brain goes through a surge between the ages of 15 and 17. The brain reorganizes itself in this phase of development, certain nerve tracts only form during puberty. If cannabis gets into the brain during this time, it can have long-term consequences. Regular use of cannabis at a young age is said to lead to changes in the hippocampus of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for memory.

In addition, there is always the risk of psychosis: A study has shown that the risk of psychosis doubles in young people. So weeping adolescents suffer more often from mental disorders such as delusions, hallucinations, anxiety and in the worst case even schizophrenia. Adults with psychotic symptoms or mental health problems should also not smoke weed.

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