The art of hypnotism has been around for centuries. When it was first introduced, many considered it a parlor trick with no real validity. However, as the years passed, and study regarding hypnosis grew, the debate turned from whether it was real, to how the powerful medium could be applied in other areas.

While most of us today associate hypnosis with the act of getting people onstage and making them do foolish things, there are much more serious applications where it can be used. In fact, modern hypnosis has evolved to the point where it has become a powerful tool used by ordinary people to help persuade and manipulate others to willingly do their bidding...without the other person’s knowledge.

The practice of covert hypnosis has been gaining serious ground in recent years. The biggest reason is because it’s based on sound scientific principles - and because it works. Ordinary people, when given the right training, have been able to see the power of hypnotism, up close and personal. (Of course, there are huge ethical considerations in wielding such power, and master practitioners are careful to cover the implications of this in their training.)

The power of covert hypnosis stems from the fact that it merges 3 powerful techniques together: hypnosis, NLP(neuro linguistic programming), and mentalism. While each of these methods are extremely effective on their own, when combined, they create stunning results.

Imagine a salesperson given the power to persuade people to desire whatever they were selling. Imagine a shy boy given the ability to get a date with the prettiest girl in school. Imagine a parent being able to easily convince their child of the dangers of underage drinking. This is the power that is given through covert hypnosis. It is basically the art of persuading those around you to agree with your viewpoint. It makes them view you as more charismatic, trustworthy, and intriguing, which ultimately makes you more successful.

Here is how it works. First, you use hypnosis techniques to get a person into a suggestible state, a a type of trance if you will. This happens during simple conversation and the person is unaware of the process. Through hypnosis, you are able to plant suggestions in a person’s subconscious.

NLP takes the process even further. It involves quickly developing a deep rapport with the person, making them feel energized and happy in your presence. This feeling instills a deep desire in them to want to make you happy, and to see you as trustworthy and credible. Though you may not know it, this process is happening all around you. Some of the most well known gurus and powerful businessmen of our time have used NLP to achieve untold levels of success and create extremely loyal fans.

The last piece to the puzzle is called mentalism. This basically involves creating a false reality that appears real. If you have seen an illusionist at work, you have been exposed to this type of mind bending. When given the proper instruction, the average person can easily create this type of scenario when needed.

While it may seem hard to believe, the ability to secretly hypnotize someone is well within the average person’s ability.

Just as the athletes today have been able to accomplish incredible feats that were unheard of 50 years ago, the ability to harness the power of the mind is becoming more mainstream.

Today we have a much better idea of how the mind works and how to manipulate it to our will. Given the right training, covert hypnosis is simply taking that knowledge and applying it to our every day lives.

Author's Bio: 

I have spent my life helping people. For the last 15 years I have been working with the hearing impaired.

In addition to that I have been developing our companies website to help educate people about hearing problems and solutions.