When you fall in Love (With your partner, with your child, or even with a new kindred spirit friend) it’s easy to think that this amazing feeling will just last and last.

In truth, any long-term relationship requires consistent dedication to keeping the Love alive.

Here are some great ways to add value to your relationship and keep things fresh and interesting.

♥ Even after you’re married, keep dating! Talk, talk and talk some more. It’s always incredible to learn something new about your spouse after years of conversation.

You want to have daily discussions about your vision of the future and how you can turn that into your reality. Make plans and get excited about what you have to look forward to.

Obviously, get out for romantic adventures together whenever you possibly can.

The third part of dating to keep up with in your marriage is Sacred Sex. Just because you’ve had your children doesn’t mean that this intimate and energizing activity should be overlooked. It’s one of the best ways to stay attracted to the person that you’ll spend the rest of your life with.

♥ Learn something together. Read the same book and discuss it. Take a class. Teach each other what you know. Learning and Love go hand in hand.

♥ Be present. Make sure to spend time together and really be there. Focus on each other. Get rid of distractions. Make eye contact. Listen. Give positive energy to one another.

♥ Renew your commitment. Make sure to tell each other you of your Love on a regular basis. Express gratitude for even the little things that your partner does to make life better for you. Create traditions that celebrate your togetherness. You are more powerful and effective as a team than you are alone.

♥ Laugh often. As I say in Lessons From Rita, shared laughter is like magic. This mood-lightening device works wonders to bring perspective and joy to your relationship. It’s usually a great reminder of why you felt in Love in the first place.

If you are single at the moment, your relationship with yourself is top priority. Keep getting to know yourself better. Keep learning. Be present. Renew your commitment to personal excellence. Laugh often. It all works!

And if you have the spectacular fortune of finding Love with another person, cherish it.

Make it known that you appreciate this fantastic find and demonstrate Love on a daily basis.

Author's Bio: 

Meet Mary Anne... She's always Loved Love.

She's a practicing student of Love and has taught the subject in her books and on her blog, "The Love Post" since 2014.

Now that she's a wife and mother of two beautiful little ladies, she's more determined than ever to teach others how to use Love to transform their lives and have a positive impact in the world we all share.

Mary Anne offers her knowledge and wisdom in a practical, easy to understand way so that you can start improving your life immediately, with Love as your guide.

You can read more of Mary Anne's writing at https://maryannehorsman.com