Kindle Fire is easy to use but if you are new to using kindle then you ought to follow this procedure only one time after you will completed your steps you shall find how easy kindle fire handle. Initially you’ve to follow steps just connect kindle Fire wirelessly -> register your kindle -> set up your payment option -> then search for books, movies, music, apps and more. Don’t be hesitating I’m just explaining following steps:
Make confirmed that your kindle is fully charged by seeing on the status bar a charging indicator in green color. If it indicates orange color then it shows low battery then you have to plug the adaptor to kindle for charging and wait till it will be fully charge upto green indication (About to an one hour).

Status Bar include Notification to display running application like a game, songs, e-mail or music player, indicating tower and more related to running application. At right pane of status bar you’ll find plus icon which is Quick Setting. Now Tab on Quick setting icon then tab on Wi-Fi chooses your network. Don’t worries you’ll connect your Kindle wirelessly through your home Wi-Fi network, or places that offer Wi-Fi access, such as a hotel or your favorite café. Your Kindle automatically detects nearby Wi-Fi networks that broadcast their network name. After detection a Wi-Fi network you can access the network by entering password if you don’t have a password then you can ask a password to owner of that network.

What is Wi-Fi? A wireless or "Wi-Fi" router allows your computer, Kindle or other device to connect to the Web. Your Kindle can wirelessly connect to private Wi-Fi networks at home or your office, as well as Wi-Fi hotspots like airports, schools and your favorite café, which often offer free public access to their Wi-Fi network. All AT&T hotspots across the U.S. also offer free Wi-Fi access for Kindle users.
Once you are connected, tap the Quick Setting icon, then tap more and select my account option to register. Why register in Amazon account? By registration to Amazon account you will browse a wide selection of books, newspaper, magazines, applications, music, and movies on Amazon store. To purchase titles, simply tap the “Store >” link in the top right corner of any Content library. To exit the store and return to your Content library, tap “Library >.” Within each store you can search for a title, browse by category, check out best sellers, or view recommendations. You can try before you buy with free book samples, song previews, and movie trailers. All newspaper and magazine subscriptions start with a risk-free trial.
After your order, Amazon delivers the title directly to your Kindle Fire via your Wi-Fi connection. Newspapers and magazines are sent to your device as soon as they are published—often before they’re available in print. If your Kindle Fire is not connected to a Wi-Fi network when a new issue of a subscription becomes available, that issue will be delivered automatically the next time you connect.
If you received your new Kindle Fire as a gift then it shows the “deregister “ means your kindle device already register this application. Select "deregister" to register your Kindle Fire to your Amazon account instead.
If you like a one application on Amazon store then you can register and buy it by 1-Click Payment method. To set up 1-Clik Payment option goes to Kindle payment section of Mange your Kindle. Click on “Edit” under your default 1 Click Payment Method, then follow on screen instructions and click continue to verify your changes. Once you've connected your Kindle Fire wirelessly, registered your Kindle Fire, and set up your 1-Click Payment Method, you can start shopping for books, movies, music, apps, and more from your device.
With your Kindle Fire connected wirelessly, tap on content libraries like Newsstand, Books, Music, or Apps from the Home screen, then tap Store to start shopping. To shop for videos, tap Video. After your order, Amazon delivers the title directly to your Kindle Fire via your Wi-Fi connection. Newspapers and magazines are sent to your device as soon as they are published—often before they’re available in print. If your Kindle Fire is not connected to a Wi-Fi network when a new issue of a subscription becomes available, that issue will be delivered automatically the next time you connect.

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