With the advancement in science and technology, there seems to be a huge boost in every sphere of social life. Be it health, wealth or everyday life. And this boost has also made its way into one of the most cherished and respected hobbies of all time, reading. Whether the hobby of reading has faded away or is fading away or will fade away is still debatable and quite frankly is indeed being debated presently the world over.

However, reading a book, in itself, has been divided into two types, thanks to the technology of our times. And it is this division that has played a major role in the debate mentioned above; the main components of it being physical books (hardcover, paperback) and eBooks (e.g. amazon free kindle books, etc). While the traditionalists (irrespective of age) defend the importance of physical handheld books, the coming-of-age readers are inclined more towards Kindle books. While the prior rests on a more cultural and emotional structure, the later rests on logical outlook. And in this article, we shall be talking about the logical outlook provided to us by the kindle books.

Here are 4 logical points which show how kindle books are the next coming-of-age thing:

1. Accessibility: Perhaps the biggest advantage of using kindle books is that they provide us access to not just one but a thousand books at once. That too at largely affordable prices. Today, there are many companies that provide bargain and even free eBooks e.g. amazon free kindle books. And frankly speaking, there can be nothing better than having all of your favorite novels available right at the touch of your fingers wherever you are.

2. Affordability: The cost of kindle books is a lot less than compared to physical handheld books. And this is also one of the main reasons why many traditional book readers are also turning to kindle books for reading. Because today the price of paperbacks and hardcovers is quite high. Kindle books, on the other hand, are far less costly. Moreover, many times there are also free kindle books provided by many websites for their promotions. This is certainly a plus, both for the book and the website as well.

3. Mobile nature: Downloading kindle books on your phone or a Kindle allows you to carry them wherever you want. Now, imagine carrying a hundred of your favorite books with you instead. Not possible, is it? No. So, kindle is the only option here. And a much better option too. Carry your favorite novel characters to your favorite reading spot, be it by the side of a river, or in a park or any other place you love and have a great time reading. Kindle is what has made this possible.

4. Promotional: The fact that kindle books are internet-friendly means that they can also be used for better promotions. Many online booksellers and daily email services allow various packages of book promotion. This allows new and budding artists to showcase their writing talent on a greater platform as well. Being able to download their writing not only allows the reader to know the new author but their reviews enable the author to know what is in the readers’ minds.

The 4 above-mentioned points show how kindle books are a friendlier reading means. And though no contest is intended, it can certainly be said that kindle books are posing strong competition to physical books. Although, reading is always reading and will always be so.

Author's Bio: 

Debra is a renowned blogger and has great experience in online book promotion. In this article, she writes on how kindle books are competing with physical books highlighting 4 points to show the effectiveness of kindle books, she stresses on amazon free kindle books.